Done let's show the politicians we are not a divided and toothless group
Done let's show the politicians we are not a divided and toothless group
Done good stuff
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser
There's some cracking donations going in blown away by the 5 hundys etc , warms the cockles to see fellow kiwis banding together to fight off a bunch of F wits
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
Bumping this up, $45k given so far! Great work!
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If it's not a first round hit you need to practice more
Velocity is thrilling,but diameter does the real killing.
Done. Never hunted tahr but one day I hope to and I hope future generations can enjoy the same.
The onus is now on the Tahr Foundation to use our public money wisely and in the best interests of all Tahr hunters. They are a funny old mix of commercial and recreational interests - strange bed fellows who now have to pull together for the outcome with the most utility.
Up to $56000 with only 708 donationsbloody hell thats good going.
Could you imagine how much clout we would have if we all pulled together like this more often! Our if every hunter out there donated.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Have 1 Tahr skin from last year. Keen to go back with my sons and some some mates in years to come.