Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.
T.S. Eliot
One major party (National) that recognizes our vote can get them across the line without the greens or NZ First is what we need to achieve next election.
Labour, driven by the greens will look to find a way to force the current agenda, simply because now it will be about "fuck you" payback.
Same with Doc, we can't vote them out but we can influence who their legal masters are.
I'd suggest we hunters need to learn from this & change our thinking and actions. Yep, you are right the Nats had 9 years to make changes & in regard to these and lots of other issues it was not progressed.
Why ? ... because it was not considered a priority in political terms
Why ? .... because there was no clear "voter impact" that would trigger a need to invest political resources by the Nats (or any one else).
Why ? ... because the hunters & interested parties don't have a common voice or visibility at the polling booth or public visibility
why ? ... because most of us are individuals and by nature fiercely independent and self reliant
So if we want to have more influence over government policy and departments then we need visibility & a common voice. That will require funding and some smart people to operate.
That wont satisfy every hunter and our differing views and ideas, but we crucial that we align around big common goals with some give & take.
I'd love to see something along these lines launched off the back of the Tahr campaign.
You could argue that an even stronger voice would be a combined hunting/fishing/firearms interest group, but that might be too diverse.
Perhaps one of the existing entities (there's several of them) could morph into an effective national lobby group.
I would value learning others ideas and suggestions for how we learn and change from this "Tahr issue" to the benefit of much wider hunting or hunting/fishing focus
Game animal council was only established in November 2013, that's five years ago. The Govt at the time did provide several hundred thousand dollars setting it up and provided funding through their final term. The GAC was set up essentially to become self funding over time. Big ask in a short time frame, but they have achieved some good stuff with the limited funds they have to play with to date.
People commenting on who had a chance to update or modernise the TCP 1993, or "who" should have put more pressure on the tahr numbers while in charge, is not a valid argument, as the Govt has changed several times in the last 25 years. So essentially they've all had a chance to implement more intensive control measures over the last two and half decades to meet the numbers in the TCP 1993.
The only difference now is, Labour/Greens have increased funding to DoC and they now have the money to do more culling.
As much as this relates to hunting in NZ, and it is political to a degree, we should be mindful of keeping political opinions and agenda off the forum aye...![]()
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Good post.
I think the question we need to ask ourselves is: are we willing to stump up the money to pay for game management. As in better heads. Less animals and an acceptable equilibrium between browsing by ungulates and forest health.
There is a happy medium where there's enough deer to make hunting them worth it and low enough to have a healthy bush. We just need to find it
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@JoshC I do agree that in general politics should remain outside of the forum. But in this case it is about hunting, also it will affect us in the future. If we can get the party's to see that we are a vote worth chasing then our children, forest and game animals will have a brighter future. So I think that for this CASE ONLY we need to bring politics into the discussion.
Cheers Sideshow
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Nice to see Stoney Creek put up a nice bit of change.![]()
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Pretty much what I was getting at. Whether we like it or not the future of game animals and our public lands are subject to decisions & dogma or ideology of the government of the day. So to preserve what we value and indeed to see game animals thrive and blood lines improve we need politicians to make the right decisions and legislation. The setting up of GAC was a step in the right direction but as it is structured it lacks the right powers or teeth. It needs to be taken to the next level and all game animals recognised as such. The term “pests” should apply to rats, stoats etc only. If we don’t fight for what we want others with opposing views or ideas will be more than happy to continue to move the needle to suit themselves
there are about 20 tahr in paddock right beside peel forest township...they have been there for years,they were funny as heck the other day after a shower of rain,jumping and twisting around in air like frollicking lambs. really good place to stop and see what they look like or take photo.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
If any of you deer hunters think this will end at tahr your deluded. I read a newspaper article from the west coast that was written after the first 3000 were culled in July.
Her quote. “Deer were a problem in some areas, but tahr were first.”
Get the gorse out of your pockets, share with friends and family and let’s put a stop to this idealistic corrupt dictator, but it needs everyone’s contribution not just 1700 people!!
Connect the dots. Read the Green Party mission statement.
They wanted 100,000 rounds to shoot what she says is 10,000 tahr.
Year right!!!!
She makes no mention of the 3000 just shot and not the 6000-8000 she plans to remove from the National parks and the 7500 she wants us to remove on top of the 4600 she guesstimates we shoot a year.
That’s 33,000.
They will shoot all the deer and chamois in the National parks while they are at it.
This woman is a liar, corruptible and pure evil. A good friend of mine as dealt with her for years and has blackmailed her before and learned that she can be bought.
We need to stop her dead in her tracks.
Donate and help the legal cause or watch your hunting disappear.
The good times will soon be gone if you sit and do nothing.