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Thread: TB control in Molesworth

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Marlborough - Pelorus Sound
    Quote Originally Posted by deer243 View Post
    Ive heard the same. You cant believe anything OSPRI says . When it comes to 1080 theres always such BS fed to the public from them and DOC.
    Its a fact that after a operration its very difficult to find every dead deer. Its clearly way more than 7, anyone with half a brain knows this.
    Hopefully the repellant has worked better than without (quite likely) but knowing OSPRI in the past this report is like the Russian election.

    Yes, they say its a true and fair and correct report but i have no doubt its rigged in there favour and the whole facts are ...well, lets just say not what it seems
    Well well
    You know what '
    Maybe there is a trend sitting in (rephrase aka "set-in)

    Why anyone believes this day and ages PR/News/Analogies etc
    Is beyond me

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I don't know if anyone has actualy bothered to read the Landcare Research document https://www.ospri.co.nz/assets/Resou...eport-2021.pdf that is part of the OSPRI release that I posted, but so far I suspect not.While there are deer deaths noted they are far less than previous operations which surely has to be a good thing for hunters.
    Landcare Research is a separate organisation from OSPRI and carries out research that is genally regarded as un-biased and reliable.
    As I have previously stated, on page 6 of this thread, I am not a fan of widespread aerial application of 1080. However, whether we like it or not, we are stuck with this scenario for the forseeable future. Unless hunters stop stroking their egos and start targeting hinds/does in an effort to control numbers then I suspect we may see the continued use of non-repellant baits.
    I know a few people are going to get their nose out of joint over this post but wtf we need a reality check.



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