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Thread: Te miro and te papui

  1. #1
    Member Htown's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Question Te miro and te papui

    As these two sections are within 20 minutes of where I live it's a no brainer to have a look even for a afternoon but have heard that you need ballots through March-April, because it is now July-August what's the deal with hunting there? A few mates have said you can't stay the night up there or something like that.
    So just wanted to know what I need to do to go up in these sections and tips about the sections.

  2. #2
    Member Htown's Avatar
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    Sorry *te tapui*

  3. #3
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    I have only been to Te Tapui a couple of times, having got ballots easily enough. I don't think the animal numbers are very high, but it is quite a nice block to learn the ropes in. If you are in there on a ballot, you will be (or should be) the only hunter(s) in at that time.
    I did sneak an overnighter in there, but probably just as easy to kip in the carpark.
    There is a big flash viewing platform at the summit that makes a nice camp site Just don't abuse it and I reckon you should be fine.
    It is public reserve so no reason you cant just go for a walk with out your rifle and get into navigating and spotting sign etc.
    Scouser and Htown like this.

  4. #4
    Member Twoshotkill's Avatar
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    Have hunter Te Miro some years back now. Not big deer numbers up there. and I found most of the animals seem to feed on the farm edges.
    This is over 10 years ago now.

  5. #5
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Indeed they probably do. I know a lady who trapped about 150 of them doing just that on edge of Te Tapui, and they now live on her farm on the coromandel

  6. #6
    Member Twoshotkill's Avatar
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    That's probably why the numbers are low!!!! Good on her!!! I don't know many people that trap deer that successfully she must have spent a fortune on corn and salt licks!

  7. #7
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    I don't know how long ago it was she and her partner trapped them. @Spook Do you know people in that area ?

  8. #8
    Member Rusky's Avatar
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    Me and Bush Hunter went into Te Tapui A before the roar. Deer numbers were low, but we were able to still spook a few. I think you still have to get a permit from DoC. Just email them and they can arrange a 2 day permit for you from what I was told.

  9. #9
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    I don't know how long ago it was she and her partner trapped them. @Spook Do you know people in that area ?
    Yes @Pengy, I do know people in the area and have just done a five week working stint on a farm bordering the reserve...deer numbers are usually reported as low to keep others out, a bit like the "no deer in the Kaimai's" we so often hear...poachers hammered the block several years ago and any area that has had the numbers greatly reduced take many years to build up numbers again as the deer avoid those areas.
    I believe the best way to gather information on the block is to get dropped off at any of the entry points...no car in the carpark and leave your rifle at home...and roam the reserve day and night till you find the elusive little sods...the biggest problem today (IMO) is that every newbie wants to sleep in their own bed at night and not do the hard yards...I am happy to give more detailed information to anyone who wants it...the quality of the information will be in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of the beers supplied.
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  10. #10
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Thought as much.
    The lady I know here in Whiti is a German named Christine

  11. #11
    Member Htown's Avatar
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    Thank you all, sounds like I should go for a few walks through there getting a feeling for the land and were the deer are.
    Sounds like they are in low numbers
    Just for curiously have any of you guy gotten or know someone that's got a deer in of those blocks?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I've been in there a couple of times in the last few months (Te Tapui B). Getting a permit was easy enough just by calling the DOC Tron office. It's a tricky place to hunt, very noisy underfoot and the fact you can't stay in there overnight makes it difficult to get back into the hot spots when you really need to be there. Spooked a few animals and found a few good pockets of sign higher up but by no means did we really have a good look around. Spent most of the time just trying to go very slow and quiet which can be a frustrating exercise there. I'd say perseverance is the key for this spot, a few trips and you're likely to get to know where they hang out, being Fallow they don't change habits too much. Once you can figure out how to get into these spots quietly and are prepared to wait it out I think your chances are much higher.
    Scouser likes this.

  13. #13
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    And just some visuals so you know what you're up against...have fun!

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  14. #14
    Member Carpe Diem's Avatar
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    Hi Htown,

    Hunting in Te Miro is now closed according to Kim from DOC (Te Rapa office who administers the restricted permit) due to possum poisoning activities (bait stations) that have just gone in there, or about to in the next week. Hence you won't now be able to get a restricted permit for the Blocks at Te Miro for the rest of the restricted season i.e end of the Roar Balloted access until the end of October. It's then closed for fawning through til the Roar ballots come up for Hunting. I for one will be applying for a ballot for this nice little piece of bush for the roar in October. As they say low animal numbers but a real nice piece of bush to learn in before you hit the Kaimai's and hone your craft, and after 6 months + of no pressure the roar in there could be good as a lead off and hone of skills before hitting the Kaimai's.

    Te Tapui is still open on restricted Permit managed out of the DOC office in TeRapa. I've got a full hunt party (3) for This month (August) going in there on our allotted dates in block A but if you want to tag along I'm sure I could walk you through it in September if you wanted??

    PM me if interested or you need more information.

  15. #15
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Crispy cornflakes



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