Heard poto on radio this afternoon,wouldn’t give yes or no answer ,just swerved all the questions..typical political dribble.
The potato “interview “ was a waste of oxygen, despite HDPA doing her best to get straight answers. Potato accused HDPA of lying “no huts have been burnt down, that’s a lie. They have been dismantled and taken away” according to minister responsible for DOC. Disgusting
Pretty sure I was at one of those huts last year. My boy recognised the hut clearing on the news.
Such a shame all that history is gone. Many folks would have made good use of those huts over the years regardless of who they were.
They were our property as kiwis.
The potato interview with hdpa showed potato’s complete and total incompetence.
Those huts will never be replaced.
The photos look like they were torched not dismantled as potato claimed….I suspect they just flew from site to site and lit them up. Really sad all that history is lost.
I messaged POTO on FB, commented on a post she had up. I Attached some photos of the burnt out huts, that must have hit a nerve because she messaged me back saying that all huts will be replaced. Nek minute the post gets deleted
I wonder why they didnt start building the new huts (using the old "network" as a bases) before bowling the old ones, makes no sense at any level . . .
I would imagine the plan is to get DoC to fund the new huts. A lack of existing huts would put pressure on DoC to comply. Of course all the light shone on what's happening will now put an interesting political perspective on things i.e. if DoC do fund new huts it will look bad for Labour on a whole bunch of levels.
I don’t know what they have planned, but I can guarantee it will be all about Tuhoe reconnecting with the land.
After that it will be about Tuhoe having employment.
Then it’ll be about other kiwis.
I’m not actually against that thinking.
They obviously have a problem with things like crime, drugs and gangs.
If this is a way of them improving themselves then maybe it’ll work out for everyone.
Worth a listen ......