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Thread: Te Ureweras

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Toby View Post
    I heard you call some guy named Glen mitchel? Something or rather. in whakatane and he'll sort you out. I was told but forgot. I think he works for doc

    I have no idea if its true but its from a local that lives up waikaremoana so yeah. Im no good at repeating info as it goes in one ear and out the other haha
    Glen has been in that area for a long time and prior to that was based at Murupara. Nice guy that knows his stuff
    Toby likes this.

  2. #32
    Member oneipete's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Waikato NZ
    Guys... I posted on the other site all about it after I rang round to see what was happening.(which is currently down completely)

    The basics are on the 20th of September the te Urewera National park ceased to exist. no permits currently being issued but any already issued are valid. Heli-hire Ltd is business as usual,I emailed them to check.

    On Hunting Permits for Te Urewera

    Talked to Glen.
    There is a website you will be able to go through to get Rifle hunting permits soon.Doc will also be able to issue the permits at that time but will only be going through that website as well.

    The website is Ngai Tuhoe Iwi Go to top left and mouse over Te URU Taumatua, then on Te urewera - permits.

    The site is up but NO PERMIT OPTION YET,as they have not sorted out a bunch of issues yet.

    Glen said nothing access or recreational wise will change,except possibly pig dog access.

    a time frame on when this happens was not given.

    Anyone wanting to know more Contact the board now in charge

    Te Urewera Board - Glen Mitchell - 07312 9659

    Hope this helps.
    NZHTR, SIKAHUNTER, Pengy and 4 others like this.
    Guy Fawks the only man to enter parliament with the interests of the people in mind

  3. #33
    Member Sniper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Just seen this. No hunting for now.

    Ureweras off limits to hunters | Radio New Zealand News



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