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Thread: Is there anyone out there who is still concerned about beating Covid19?

  1. #31
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    I don't doubt that poll is correct for the very reasons @Friwi & others have pointed out

    I for one would be very interested to see the exact same poll done 3 more times 2-3 months apart

    There is no doubt in my mind there will be a completely different result, economic reality is going to bite hard

    I doubt very much if those polls were done the results would be publicised as much
    ebf, chainsaw, Moa Hunter and 2 others like this.
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  2. #32
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    It would appear that some have not read my initial post or perhaps read the first three words and then assumed the rest. To confirm:

    - I did not say I thought we could completely remove C19 from NZ
    - I did not make a statement about whether I thought the economic cost was worth it. I suggested that given we are doing this like it or agree with it or not, perhaps we want to get the best from it that we can before we re open our doors. I am in no doubt that the pain will be felt by many for years to come. Myself included.
    - I did not say I wholeheartedly endorse every decision made through this period by the government or the timing around some decisions. I talked about us working together and not making our own minds up to join in a spot of cat herding based on our own personal views
    - I did wonder how many people were prepared to work together and take the high moral ground when it comes to missing out on a bit of hunting or whatever for a short period and worry less about what others were or weren't getting
    - I did ask the question about how many people were looking for what they could do and not what they couldn't. Glass half full or glass half empty.

    For me I think this whole event has also been a real reflection of overall human nature and people's attitudes to life and others. There is no doubt that the governments response and management of this crisis has been a massive exercise in social engineering.

    I have no beef with anyone and respect your right to have a view. I have however been saddened by the personal abusive type rants I have read occasionally over the past three or so weeks. We are all on the same team here. Have a good ground hog day people
    Scouser, Hewie, MB and 3 others like this.

  3. #33
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    "puts hand up"...read first line and became bored
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGunn View Post
    "puts hand up"...read first line and became bored
    In yet here you are....... still reading the thread................... Yeah lets get back to talking about hunting and shooting and looking forward to getting back out there
    Bullers243 likes this.

  5. #35
    308 is offline
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    Sorry, I thought this was a genuine question but by the first post I see you are pushing your agenda so byebye
    northdude and Woody like this.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiawatha View Post
    In yet here you are....... still reading the thread................... Yeah lets get back to talking about hunting and shooting and looking forward to getting back out there
    630 opened the page and stuff all responded
    Woody likes this.

  7. #37
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    I read this article this morning which is written by someone with expertise and from outside NZ (Devi Sridhar is chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh). Worth a look if you can be bothered and are actually interested in reading another view
    "Crunching the coronavirus curve is better than flattening it, as New Zealand is showing"
    ebf likes this.

  8. #38
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Maybe, but anecdotally there does seem to be wide support for the lock down and the Gov's approach. Regardless of the source I would say that its close to the mark

    This forum is a very narrow lens to speculate through.
    Using stuff as a source of news would indicate a preference, participating in a poll on Stuff would be another run through the drafting race, so while I agree this site can be somewhat myopic I think a stuff poll could be seen in a similar light. Not that it matters though as a poll today cant predict or change whats coming. Today many are doing ok, enjoying some enforced time off, still have a few dollars. But the Govt check book is rapidly approaching the last leaf. Robinson claims debt can run up to 50% ( god help us) of GDP but the candle is burning from both ends, as fast as he is handing out money our GDP is shrinking so this support will come to grinding halt. The mood of the voters will be interesting come election time.
    veitnamcam and outlander like this.

  9. #39
    Dont worry a poll will come out in stuff sooner the date declaring the pm to be the most popular person in the world if you can wait a few minutes I can draw one up now what would you like it to say

  10. #40
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    Not concerned about "beating covid-19, I more concerned about the economic events that will become evident in the next 2-4 months.

    I think the number of actual fatlities from CV-19 will be far less than the number from the economic fall out.

    I already know many people, my brother included who after the 5 weeks of "Lock Down" will not be returning to their jobs which 5 weeks ago was not even a thought in their heads!
    Yesterday was watching a COVID-19 feature including an interview from Sweden. Their economy is moving on, they chose to keep going despite 1000+ deaths, only the most vulnerable in lockdown. The NZ reporter was incredulous, but the Swede cut him off, "We need our economy to have our health service".

    About the stress effect, across the other side of the world (from the Economist) New York is seeing other effects than just COVID-19:

    Name:  92615673_10216458985368907_6488335746070478848_o.jpg
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    ebf and 300CALMAN like this.
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  11. #41
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelton View Post
    I for one am and am growing more and more embarrassed and frustrated from some of the junk I have read from "hunters". Mainly Facebook pages but im sure their will be plenty of critters here aswell. Like a toddler packing a tantrum is how im seeing it. A toy he doesnt even use very much but has a melt down the moment its taken away. What are we talking 7 8 weeks of restrictions? Get a grip eh its not that bad . Im picking they have it all figured out got all the dots pinned together on their lounge wall beside their bookshelf full of flat earth comic books
    Your point is well made, however, bear in mind that shooters and hunters en masse have been antagonized by the government's forced buyback of semi auto's last year. That will take time to settle down.

    There is also the threat of further law changes leading to restrictions which go from the unnecessary to the idiotic and back again, hanging over us as shooters.

    To now have the hunting restrictions imposed on us is a further poke in the eye. Some will take it gracefully. Some not.

    I must concede that the bigger picture of public welfare is more important than our need to hunt( unless it's to feed the family, then it becomes a different matter).

    The context of all of this matters, in terms of understanding the reaction.
    Cordite, outlander, Saxguy and 1 others like this.
    RIP Harry F. 29/04/20

  12. #42
    trumpchump wtf is that without talking in riddles so after the economy is fuked lots of people as well as you have lost jobs investments their plans for a comfortable retirement freedom all taken away with a click of the fingures and you still end up getting the virus will you still think it was worth it
    mikee, Cordite and outlander like this.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huntfisheat View Post
    I've read all these comments. I've also taken the time to read and understand the science.
    My job is gone as is my income and with it, my rental, so I'm not speaking from a position of security nor do I have anything to gain.
    I agree we could have closed our borders earlier and required all incoming visitors to be officially quarantined and supervised and tested, yet here we are down to single digit new infections.
    To all who say it's an over reaction, the science of pandemic management disagrees with you and, as so many of you are obviously #trumpchump supporters, I'll take the science over your "hunch" theories any day. I'm 60 and have heart disease, so I can't afford to listen to peoples "Hunches" and "feelings" when both of those fly in the face of what we now know rather than what we think.
    I'm not a Labour supporter, particularly after their failures in regard to halting water sales rights to overseas based companies and the whole debacle around both oil exploration and the firearms regs post March, but I'm backing their dependence on science and facts at this time, despite what I have lost, because only idiots discount science and statistics, as #trumpchump has already proved.
    And. as for giving up my hunting rights for a few months, well that truly buggered my hunting plans which revolved around combing hunting, fishing and kayaking in the top of the south for 10 days but I'll happily give that up for the gains we have already made in the knowledge the animals and fish will still be there if I just exercise a little patience and tolerate the unwanted structure right now. I've tied over 300 fishing flies so far, so some of my time has been well spent. I've also gotten on topo of my atrial fibrillation and both wrecked and healed my left shoulder during lock down. It is special time.
    And I will need to be hunting and fishing when my savings expire, so those resources will be very precious then. Fortunately, I'm still living on what I put in my freezer before lock down and the veni, thar, rabbit, hare, wallaby and pork are really appreciated now, as they will be in the future when hunting resumes.
    Patience. Calmness. Spread some love.
    Obviously, spread no love for Mr Trump though.

  14. #44
    yea but it leaves a bitter taste for a while after its passed as long as the virus is in nz i rate my chances the same as at the start the last shit i had that nearly killed me the chances were zero to very very slim but i still got it we all think we can controll this thing but until you can put it back in its box i dont like your chances

  15. #45
    MB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    What a curious set of graphs. I'd be interested to know of any death that doesn't involve cardiac arrest. That would be something of a medical miracle! Also, I wonder if these cardiac arrests occurred in patients who tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. If not, or unknown, it could that these people had a cardiac arrest secondary to Covid-19. Maybe there's more information in the article? I can't access it.



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