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Thread: Is there anyone out there who is still concerned about beating Covid19?

  1. #61
    Gone but not forgotten
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    yea i accidenty got it a bit dirty have you got another one
    sorry bro got outta that stuff after i saw the light and brought a hornet saved my soul 😇 😋
    northdude likes this.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Middle Earth
    "Chief Kiwibank economist Jarrod Kerr told Morning Report that a cash injection of $1500 per adult and $500 per child would help to get the economy moving again."

    Of course he says that, since the interest of the money loaned to the government will be greater and all in favour of the bankster system .

    It is like that guys article:

    He probably is on just a bit more than 100k$ a year, so only a small portion of his income would be affected, but applying his policy would result in the big boys leaving the country and taking their business elwhere and also more tax evasion.
    France has done the same for the last 20 years , and it has been a disaster for its economy. All the bright young generations leaving the country for elsewhere.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    I had to go shopping yesterday and noticed a big difference in the amount of traffic compared to previous weeks. I would say there were more than twice the number of cars on the road locally. Seems to suggest that people are starting to relax, perhaps due to the impending move to level 3 and low infection numbers. I hope it doesn’t cause a bounce.

    On a positive (personal) note, our half built house will be moving on from Tuesday. Living in a dusty, cold shed is getting old.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    Sorry, but I find the question/s posed at start of this thread self serving. There will be a whole spectrum of views and emotions given where we are at and given the NZ govt response to the dual risks of Covid19 and economic meltdown. To say that views stated here are "narrow" given the nature of this forum, ie frequented by hunters, fisho's, shooters & outdoors types , ignores the obvious ...... that folks here come from very diverse backgrounds and experiences. Farmers, trades people, business people, self employed, probably even some health professionals , and may more.

    Am I still worried ? Yes, but much more so about the future of our economy, jobs and way of life than I am about the risks of Covid19.
    The NZ govt decision to go into 4 weeks of lockdown was warranted.
    But they could and should have done more earlier than they did - testing capacity, PPE, border controls etc. But lets not dwell on the past - it is what it is and we're now entering 5th week of level 4 lockdown, with 2 or 3 or? weeks more of "Level 4 with KFC" ahead.
    What concerns me most about crisis and the way its being managed is the arrogance of the govt in refusing to be transparent & refusing to accept there maybe a better way.
    Just have to look (& learn) from the Aussie's how a different approach can have same or better health outcomes ..... and lessen the massive impact on jobs and economy. Our "Level 4 with KFC" is simply not warranted or justified based on science and facts. They have used fear & selective information to coerce the general population into acceptance.

    Lack of transparency - why has the govt failed to provide modelling of the economic fall out, loss of jobs, tax increases, unemployment, etc etc. What about the deaths and bad health consequences of having our public & priviate health systems on hold for 5 weeks.
    The govt talks incessantly about modelling of deaths due to covid but nothing else.

    Lack of transparency - read this.

    We all need to be very worried ...... about our govt.
    Hi Chainsaw,

    You raise some interesting points and questions and I enjoy reading others views like this. My intention was not for my post to be self serving and in fact I am still trying to work out how it came across as that. I was not trying to support and defend all decisions and rules made by the government either. All I was wondering is about whether we have maybe lost sight of some things. So many people I know have already lost their jobs or a big percentage of their income, myself included. The economy now and for the next ten years really worries me. The trickle down impact on peoples health and wellbeing from that alone is also a huge concern. And I think there is no doubt that a lot more people would be dead now if we had stayed status quoe too. As for in the health future from economy etc related issues who can count that number. The model we are in versus the Aussy model etc is a debate I will leave alone. I will also leave the economy versus the lives of loved ones conversation alone too. What I have been frustrated by though is people whinging about a bit of hunting while so many are losing so much. That is what I was really trying to get at. I am missing it heaps like all of you. I get that everything is far from equal or fair when it comes to these decisions. But if you can go hunting and I cant then at least you can go and one of us wins. My sincere hope is that we will be able to hunt as we did soon and I am living for that. And lets be calm and kind and compliant and not sweat the small/ temporary stuff. Hopefully not for much longer. Take a look at a recent you tube post by Kahn Adams. I think he captures it well. Cheers



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