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Thread: Thiefs!

  1. #31
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    I was careful as I didn't say what I might do But be interesting to hear others views.

    I have no views on such matters and remain completely neutral on the subject.

    However I would like to tell some tall tales of old.

    Once upon a time in a land far far away, no so long ago, a couple of local low life's attempted to steal the old fellas Holden from across the road.

    It was late one dark summers night.

    Apparently a couple of fit, keen young neighbours heard what was going on and descended from their lodging to challenge said car thieves to a duel.

    Said car thieves, on seeing said Fit Keen Young Fellas, said to themselves bugger this, decamped from said Holden and did a runner leaving the old fellas car in the middle of the road with the doors wide open.

    Said Keen Young Neighbours said this isn't right and without further thought immediately gave chase.

    Said Car Thieves, who had attempted to steal an old mans pride and joy, made a fatal flaw and ran into the very large and very dark Racecourse that was nearby, hoping to make good their escape.

    But said keen young fellas with their local knowledge, keen eyesight and hearing were swift of foot and soon over took said car thieves.

    Other neighbours had by this time gathered on the street to see what the commotion was all about and to their surprise they began to hear muffled grunts, more than a few thumps and several healthy whacks accompanied with shrill sounds of what sounded like someone experiencing some pain,

    This was shortly followed by an unknown voice yelling out "And tell your mate that's what's gonna happen to him when we catch him".

    Several minutes after these noises had ceased said Keen Young Fellas appeared from the darkness of the racecourse looking pretty pleased with themselves.

    The older women folk who had gathered on the street immediately began to enquire about the noises they had heard and the whereabouts of said car thieves.

    One keen young fella was heard to say, never caught up with them, Don't know what happened but had also heard the noises and decided it was time to leave said very dark racecourse.

    Said neighbours, accepting of this plausible explanation, then helped the Old Fella put his Holden back in the car port and secure it for the remainder of the night.

    Everyone gathered then slowly went back to their houses and after a few celebratory beers and several retellings of the nights adventures said Keen Young Fellas also retired for the night, exhausted from their adventures but feeling very pleased with their endeavours.

    Said Holden was never been touched by low life's again.

    And they all lived happily ever after.

    The End

    Last edited by P38; 22-09-2014 at 10:25 PM.
    veitnamcam, Bryan, Dundee and 8 others like this.

  2. #32
    Member possummatti's Avatar
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    Shite @P38 you lost me after the first " said" haha good write up champ
    If god didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of food.

  3. #33
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    At the Waihou Hotel several years ago a patron on leaving the premises found a low-life fucking with his ute so dragged him back into the bar, laid him on the floor and stood on his throat and ordered a beer and then used the phone to call the law. If the low-life didn't move he shifted his foot to the chest but if he squirmed at all the boot slid back to the throat. Several patrons gave the low-life a little nudge with their boot as they went past. It was some time before the law finally arrived, while the low-life was still groggy but standing, the ute owner asked the cop if he could have one last word with the low-life, "yeah sure" the cop says and with that the ute owner fed his fist deep into the belly of the little prick...cop was really pissed off as he then had to carry the bastard to the car.
    kotuku and sharps no 1 like this.
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  4. #34
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post

    However I would like to tell some tall tales of old.


    Now that is a good old fashion bed time story I like to read

  5. #35
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    spreydon christcurch.
    spook ,the behavioural modification aspect of your tale is particularly intriguing, oh and very practical I might add.
    reminds me -i live in a cul de sac and a few years ago we had a similar incident.very hot summers night ,and missus unable to sleep glances out bedroom window to see a bunch of lowlifes attemping to jemmy open neighbours truck.Im called on for surveillance as the mandatory call &commentary goes through to boys in blue. two cars&dog wagon arrive and heyho the "so called innocents" are nicked.
    So-called-yep dead fucking right -he was sitting in the gutter outside our place until i sidled up and pointed to his screwdriver lying under neighbours truck etc etc. little cunts got a real sickener as mr plod was very interested in my evidence and the wifes.
    well to cut a long story short and get to the karma aspect.-the wee arsewipes car was left parked just up from our place.well by the time their scrawny girlfiends(i think it was)arrived to pick it up ,the flashy stereo ,plus new seat covers had gone (plus a dozen cans of piss(hic hic))and a large sign was propped up on the dashboard"this motor belongs to car thieves ,please help yourself". Hmmmm-i cant recall any successful attempts in our street of recent times ,for houses do have eyes
    P38, Bryan, Scouser and 2 others like this.

  6. #36
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    spook ,the behavioural modification aspect of your tale is particularly intriguing, oh and very practical I might add.
    reminds me -i live in a cul de sac and a few years ago we had a similar incident.very hot summers night ,and missus unable to sleep glances out bedroom window to see a bunch of lowlifes attemping to jemmy open neighbours truck.Im called on for surveillance as the mandatory call &commentary goes through to boys in blue. two cars&dog wagon arrive and heyho the "so called innocents" are nicked.
    So-called-yep dead fucking right -he was sitting in the gutter outside our place until i sidled up and pointed to his screwdriver lying under neighbours truck etc etc. little cunts got a real sickener as mr plod was very interested in my evidence and the wifes.

    well to cut a long story short and get to the karma aspect.-the wee arsewipes car was left parked just up from our place.well by the time their scrawny girlfiends(i think it was)arrived to pick it up ,the flashy stereo ,plus new seat covers had gone (plus a dozen cans of piss(hic hic))and a large sign was propped up on the dashboard"this motor belongs to car thieves ,please help yourself". Hmmmm-i cant recall any successful attempts in our street of recent times ,for houses do have eyes
    Pure Poetic Justice.


  7. #37
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by possummatti View Post
    Shite @P38 you lost me after the first " said" haha good write up champ

    Yeah there was a couple of said's hidden in there...... hard to spot....... but there just the same.

    Last edited by P38; 23-09-2014 at 06:37 PM.

  8. #38
    TJM is offline
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    Sad thing is that the feds have a good idea who the culprits are but are not usually in a position to do much about it, really sad in a country like N.Z
    Every time I leave my car any where in the bush In the back of my mind I'm hoping its still intact when I get back,, takes the shine off a good day out.
    Scouser likes this.

  9. #39
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    Hey Weatherby,
    Set up a warratah under the side of the van, using one of those big springs off a garage door for opening them (about 800mm long) Set a nice battery drill box for a trigger inside with perhaps a LED spot light shining on it for bait. West Auckland parasite trap! If you don't wake up from the howling at least you got a blood trail to track.
    257weatherby likes this.

  10. #40
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    The trouble with criminals is if you slap one over the head trying to break into your car at night and take him to the cops, even if he does get charged he is likely to come back with his mates and do much much more than steal your car.

    Getting to the point where you will have to shoot them or the fear of retaliation makes doing something not worth it.
    It happened when they tried to stop people stealing cattle down South.

    The bastards just need to be shot but most law abiding citizens have far to much of a conscience to actually kill someone for just stealing their car.
    Shame the justice system shows no sign of getting on top of it.

  11. #41
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    I have caught a lot of thieves in my day, some have come back for retribution. All I will say is follow the law to the max and push for the hardest conviction , and if they come back, then go again by lawfull means that is.
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    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  12. #42
    Member Shearer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    Guys, one solution to catch the bastards, it would be to set up a trail camera close to where you park your vehicle each time you go for a hunt.and a second one on the road/ track going to your vehicle so you make sure you can catch the number plate of their vehicle as well, just in case.
    It is sad to have to resort to those kind of procedures to catch the bastards. And even if they get caught they probably end up with a slap on the wrist:-(
    Probably get your game camera stolen.
    Experience. What you get just after you needed it.

  13. #43
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    If you leave it in open right in front of your car I have no doubt that this will in deed happen, I hope you understood I was meaning to hide it?

  14. #44
    Member marky123's Avatar
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    This thread is ace!

  15. #45
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Our neighbours tractor got stolen years ago,these wanks on 'p' crashed their ute and flogged the neighbours tractor.
    Drove up the road in the stolen tractor and it was idling on the edge of a cliff when the boys in blue turned up.
    Neighbours wife rings us before the blue got there,woke us up at 3am. Next minute her hubby was up here asking how to load the sons pumpaction shotgun.........farkn exciting but scary.

    Tractor saved, thief caught and he got a broken collar bone from the butt of the shot gun. No charges were made on the farmer.
    Scouser and ExPoh75 like this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
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