I took pity on this old gun and restored it. 16 bore rifle converted from a muzzleloader. I straightened the barrel, built a new briddle and fly for the lock, new front sight, browned the barrel and re-finished the stock
and freezer filler
I took pity on this old gun and restored it. 16 bore rifle converted from a muzzleloader. I straightened the barrel, built a new briddle and fly for the lock, new front sight, browned the barrel and re-finished the stock
and freezer filler
a Remington Rolling block converted to side-lever opening and inline muzzleloader. It is very accurate and I have taken quite a few animals with it. (I should finish that fore end but never have)
very nice stuff Steve
heirloom looking pieces
Welcome to the forum I like the pictures you have posted, good to see you hunt with what you build, keep the posts coming.
Steve is a good guy to deal with, I recently got a great little 16ga from him and I can't be happier.
Welcome to the forum Steve, keep me in the loop on your plans
A pretty nice Whitetail taken at under 10 yards. I was in a tree stand for this one and used my .26/06 I built
This one was a great hunt. Found him bedded up with a doe and did about a half mile stalk, belly crawling for a big portion of it. Shot him at about 125 yards and put the bullet right at the base of his spine. He never knew I was there. Used the old Holland in .30 Super and a Nosler partition 180 Gr bullet. Love those projectiles!
Pronghorn buck taken with my .25/06. Another long range shot.....he might have been 15 yards away. I do love the stalk.
My itty bitty wee lil Chamoi.....I need to do better.
Fallow on my last NZ trip taken w the .25/06. So long ago my hair was still brown......those were the days.
I order Krieger barrels to my contour, then hand polish them before rust blue. The .500 NE is a good example. The rear sight is also sleeved on in the Rigby fashion and it is shop made with a taper to match the remainder of the barrel and the fore end hanger integral.
You cannot miss fast enough!
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