Any one know the farmer who has the private land on old te aroha Gordon road that leads up to the skid site on this track.. popped into see him today bout using the logging road via his race..
Any one know the farmer who has the private land on old te aroha Gordon road that leads up to the skid site on this track.. popped into see him today bout using the logging road via his race..
I was up on Friday, on the track and in to stride at 4.30. Got to hunting grounds about 6.15, i'd swear that walk is getting bloody longer and longer!
Anyway spooked one and had it's eyes light up in the head torch beam but couldn't illuminate the body, damn thing stared at me, ran round a mound of dirt, looked back at me and then took off. Couldn't of been more than 5 metres away, now away to buy a stronger head torch
Wondering if that would be considered spotlighting?
Lot's of sign but after a while looking around couldn't find any fresh poo so checked my usual spots, had a yarn with a couple of decent blokes that were heading in deeper and headed out.
Quite honestly now looking at a quad to cover that distance and damn site faster.
Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.
Been meaning to have a wander up there for a while. hour and 3/4 isn't to bad a stroll
Spook ???
Is the track open to 4wd and motorbikes at the moment?
Plenty bikes were going through the other day but rest assured it's not an easy track. Slips all the way along it and big slips at that however some nice folk have been up there with chainsaws and opened it up a lot more.
Fella the other day got his quad through.
Tracks meant to be closed but that's not stopped anyone.
Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.
It's not the worst Nick but also some bloody big soggy puddles to work around. Muddy enough to lose a leg and boot to it.
I wouldn't fancy the walk out that's all.
Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.
Yeah its still a solid hike for a day hunt, Those sorts of obsticles can definatley deplete the tanks a bit. Especially if you have a heavy pack
Took my quad bike up there a couple of weeks ago and the signs claimed the track was closed for forestry work. Went to the workers huts and they gave the OK to continue.
It would be a big walk for recovery of deer but a quad makes quick work of it.
Was up there yesterday, went up as far as the crossing with the north south track from the Te Aroha side, pretty easy going but would definitely have preferred to be one of the blokes on a four wheeler. Still plenty of big divots in the road before the forestry area. Anyway camped up on the top, grass is lush, some of it has been rooted up by pigs, heard a shot on about 9 o'clock and had a friendly possum pestering me in the night. nice walk down today again a few motor bikers and the 4x4 club was getting ready to head up as I came out. Cheers to the bloke who gave me his lighter yesterday meant I was able to heat up a back country for dinner. Hope the shot I heard was a success.