And put up that new fence
And put up that new fence
Dont go to your Bach.
If everyone goes with their family's to these small communities it places stain on the local services that arnt geared for the influx of persons.
Loads of people were made to go home from areas like this in Norway for the reasons stated above.
New Zealand's epidemic is playing out just like Norway's,but the silly klunts in NZ had shipbourne infectors stopping off all over the country spreading it.
So you guys have it all over the country hard and fast.Plus whatever came in from the Airports while "Sea Biscuit" was dithering about closing the border.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
Sorry I am still confused after all the posts.
Are we allowed to go out hunting alone or not?
The bit I don't under stand is if you can go to work to pack up and ship out online orders
Then surely people can pay by bank transfer and come pick up there package from the sidewalk.
Its got less contact then if it goes through the courier system.
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Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"
the red fencing is gone and the house is all finished, those photos were taken during the build. Although I still need to make a barn door for the entrance way but I guess that's not happening for a while now
The current statement by Ardern that If we dont do this, tens of thousands of New Zealanders may die" gives the lie to their rate of decision making.
I am self isolating from today but I have a niggling concern about mail deliveries ; how clean are all the letters, invoices newpapers etc. We are rural mail.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
From RNZ this morning,
"In level 4 are we able to pack up from home and drive to the beach house for a change of scene or do we need to head there tomorrow and stay there for the four weeks?
Yes. People can go for a drive. But they should only do so with others that they are in isolation with. And they should maintain two metres distance from others when they get to their destination and not meet or congregate in public spaces. So people can get fresh air and a change of scene. Any breach of these rules will mean we have to stay in lockdown for longer and our chance to beat the virus will be lost."
I just spoke with the ministry of health. Heading out for a hunt is fine stay within your group or alone no socialising and stuff but you must also stay within your region.
It all comes down to common sense but that's what we lack in NZ.
Don't put other people at risk because you think you have the right to go hunting
Don't put other communities at risk because you think the roar is more important
Yep it sucks be time but think of the bigger picture here. The sooner we stop this virus from spreading the sooner we can move on as one in NZ
yep am lucky i live rural and can hunt on the farm but its changed my plans as well but i rather come out the other side with family and friends.
If anyone is feeling down don't be scared or down sing out on this forum there are plenty people that a willing to listen or talk to
Unfortunately for those that follow the rules, not much public land hunting is going to happen.
Email from DOC below.