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Thread: Tuhoe Banishes Hunters in Urewera

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    is it poaching when you have every right to be there ?

    I can only see a limited time to sort out some admin change and then it will be sorted.

  2. #17
    Member Hunt4life's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    The only things that annoy me about this process is the voiding of DoC permits without any reasonable and respectful notice period and no apparent intention from Tuhoe spokespeople to honour the assurances regarding continued unchanged access for all NZers. The governance board have had many months to consult and establish a plan to execute and communicate with all stakeholders... It would appear from the conflicting representations made by two different spokespeople that internal agreement has not been reached, in which case all existing systems and access protocol should remain unchanged until the board has not only reached consensus, but also devised and created access systems to reflect changes, finalised by a reasonable notification period. An unsurprising turn of events for most of us thus far I would guess :-/
    kiwi39 likes this.

  3. #18
    Member BobGibson's Avatar
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    Its not just iwi who poach.
    Do we know for certain that DOC consulted with Tuhoe prior to their ceasing to issue permits.
    If DOC just made an arbitrary decision to cease issuing permits from a certain date with out consolation I would react in exactly the same way.
    The world will not end if there are no permits issued for a few months. In fact the hunting will be the better for it as the game will have settled down a bit.
    Last edited by BobGibson; 13-10-2014 at 01:17 PM.

  4. #19
    Member samba's Avatar
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    Hey bro you getting to close to my "gorse" crop.. Fuck em
    blake likes this.

  5. #20
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    On this topic I'm pretty sure there will always be several colonial dicks hanging around, as a few have demonstrated already
    I guess you could call my dick colonial ebf. It certainly has conquered many a country (spelling?). Ha ha ha ha
    Toby and Full noise like this.
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  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Exactly my crown trying to do the best for all kiwis not just one race

  7. #22
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    I guess you could call my dick colonial ebf. It certainly has conquered many a country (spelling?). Ha ha ha ha
    Think you need to drop the "o" Rushy

    Was going to type in a witty reply, but then realized I'd just be incriminating myself
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute



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