Iv raised these questions with doc before down here , doc administer ruffly 18,ish hunting areas here & less than half have proper established access for people to use , doc,s stance is so long as you have a permit & you are not trespassing what ever happens in-between is on us they are not interested in negotiating with landowners , some classic examples down here doc land completely surrounded by private land , its a pain in the ass at times getting permission , what I get peeved about is the fact there are legal access points perfectly legit unformed roads but doc arnt interested in teeing it up , farmers can not close formed or unformed roads ,iv seen some funny examples like planting pines directly ontop of roads look quite funny zigzagging all across paddocks , some landowners dig up formed tracks 1 place I no off the land owner put 6 trenches 2m deep into the track , easements can be closed that is different , landowners can temporally close them some like to try & temporally close them all the time .