What Josh C has written is very wise and sensible and it is a shame that not every one thinks like him. I have faced some access problems in the past and so assuming the land owner is not as sensible and pragmatic as Josh I would still go to the local Council and get a copy of the road title to take with you to your meeting. It is only the Council that has the legal right to remove locks order fences taken down etc Nothing like having the threat of Council intervention and your draft application to publicly open the road as a point of negotiation. Some Cocky's have told people I know that if they use the road then they will find their vehicle burnt out when they come back to it. Another Cocky used to swap the wheels off hunters landrovers onto his own if they had better tyres. So don't assume they will all be fair and sensible. DOC has no jurisdiction over any types of roads so no point cap in handing to them.