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Thread: Unlawful hunting charge

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    It's about time the courts hand out some jail time to these clowns, loss of freedom would have more effect than loss of money and toys which can easily be replaced
    Pengy likes this.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Port Chalmers
    I am certain he would lose his F/A licence with this conviction. And I think having a conviction will mess with getting jobs in the future

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin358 View Post
    kotuku ,i like what you write, agree with your thoughts
    thanks squire ,reality is Im probably one of many. guess its shaped though by my being in a profession which alas sees a lot of this carnage.
    indeed i often stand there whilst screaming inside WHY????????when do we put a stop to this egotistic madness.all the riches in this world mean zilch to one lying cold and stiff awaiting a creamatoria retort or a hole in the ground.
    even more tragic if that one is taken in the prime of life!
    timattalon and Micky Duck like this.

  4. #64
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    AMEN to that....

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    South Auckland for the now
    Quote Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    Usually means a pipe or other means of smoking the shit
    So not cooking gear? A mate in Brisbane used to work nights at a coal lab, said they always had meth cookers pulling up and using a hose outside for washing out the back of their vehicle in the wee hours. My wife and I think the house we rented might have been a meth house at one point too, we both got really ill in wierd ways living there and gradually got better when we moved out. Why anyone would mess with that crap I dunno.
    We don't stop playing because we grow old,
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  6. #66
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Shit @Lore is there any test kit you can use?

    Edit to test the house to see if it's been used in this way!
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  7. #67
    Join Date
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    Gisborne Rural
    you can get you house tested for it. should do it on any rental property before tenet moves in. No leg to stand on once they are in the house

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    South Auckland for the now
    There are tests you can get done by professionals but to be honest we didn't even think of it until a couple of months before we left and we saw an article in the paper saying that they have no idea how common it is but that it is very common, especially in lower rental ranges and older houses. It had some of the tell tale signs and I recognised a few of them from when we moved in. When we moved over here in Nov '17 we were both really exhausted, had headaches, couldn't sleep, tight chests, muscle pains, no appetite, etc etc, withdrawl. Day after day we got better. My wife has a chronic illness and the difference in her health since we left is amazing. Its a destructive drug,not just for the people who are directly involved, and i feel terrible that I put my family in harms way because I didn't know. A cautionary tale for youall and another reason I was glad we got the opportunity to move to NZ.

    I advised the owner to get it tested but doubt he ever did.
    We don't stop playing because we grow old,
    We grow old because we stop playing.

  9. #69
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    they did that one to death on fairgo a year or two back...they took notes of currency from all ove the show and tested them and 90% plus came back with levels that were at that stage seeing houses pulled apart,prooved the testing was far too sensitive eg someone had been smoking it in house and the house got wrecked.
    getting a rental tested would only work if you got it done before and after tenants left by which stage its too plurry late anyway. do it with tenants in a house and whos to say its not residual from years back????

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    You can get meth test-kits..some are apparently crap. A house thats been "used"-in, shouldnt make you sick, but if its been manufactured there, it definitely will. Cops reckon 60%-ish, of country-rentals, test positive..pretty scary. If the young feller in question, had a 5k thermal scope, he didnt have a bad habit, or it would be long-sold. If he was dealing, he could have a bad habit, and not been broke.. 6k or so of gear, suggests the fine wont kill him,so he should have got home-D. Meth is everywhere these days, a lot of good people get destroyed by it. Because it quickly evolves into long-term sleep-deprivation; people become paranoid and delusional. Adding firearms to that mix, could sometimes be the same as armed mental-patients. Lets hope this doesnt become a trend,because confronting poachers wasted on meth,would be a potentially life-threatening situation.

  11. #71
    Join Date
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    North Shore Auck
    Quote Originally Posted by shooternz View Post
    It's about time the courts hand out some jail time to these clowns, loss of freedom would have more effect than loss of money and toys which can easily be replaced
    Unfortunately Prison is not what people think it is , they have a pretty easy time . And he would get less than 12 mths and out at his first parole board .
    Better the loss and fine because he'll get the ridicule without the "Cred " of a prison sentence , assuming he doesn't have a rich Daddy .
    bigbear likes this.



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