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Thread: Weatherby 300 WSM

  1. #16
    Member Zamkiwi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Zambia -waikato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nose to tail View Post
    I'm shooting a 22-250 for my first rifle Cspence. It has done the damage so far. Quite a small projectile but it travels super quick apparently, which might make up for the lack in size maybe. Not sure on that actually. But no animal I've shot has run more than ten meters before it figured out it was dead anyway (including deer). Something to think about. Good luck
    22-250 is a nice rifle I have one I use on the firing range in Zambia
    Would love one for Sika but the issue is projectile weight is limited so that puts a doubt in my mind for NZ hunting?( you don,t want to be trying to find wounded deer if you fluff a shot)
    But so accurate out to 250-300m and nice to shoot.
    So I have been toying with dropping from my 270 to 243 but time will see .
    My old man hunted for years using his old 303 which I have now in my safe ,I reckon I could shoot deer for next 30 years and not match the animals he shot with it.
    I got a 270 and his words were "boy why did you buy a cannon for you should have got a 22-250 "

    Had a few beers with him last trip home and got the whole lecture again including "why the hell did you get Vizsla for you should have got a heading dog "
    still took the venison that the vizsla helped get tho?
    Gibo and DanS like this.
    Love walking my gun



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