I also am waiting for the buggers to go on the protein. They have had a great year for making new nests etc. I poisoned last year and got rid of quite a few. They seem far more prevalent
They dont like vespex
I also am waiting for the buggers to go on the protein. They have had a great year for making new nests etc. I poisoned last year and got rid of quite a few. They seem far more prevalent
They dont like vespex
They are starting to increase in Wellington. Them and ants.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Been getting lots of calls where they are feeding off trees and even a coffee cart.
I’m getting heaps too, up north.
I’m a bit new to this and saw some feasting on a rabbit jaw bone.
I thought it was a sign of the apocalypse.
What is the best remedy before they go on protein and after?
We doing ok with monarch butterfly this season,brought small plastic glass house and keep plants in there away from butterflies so plants can grow,still got one caterpillar inside there. Keep swapping plants around so they don't run out of feed.rotational grazing if you will lol.
75/15/10 black powder matters
As I said above look up Hawkeye wasp bait.
They are really going for the poison at the moment
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
We had a real big problem late spring/early summer, they were all over my wood supply up the back of my house and would buzz all around me when mowing the lawn.
I did heaps of research and found a few things to sort the buggers out.
Firstly I bought a wasp trap from farmlands, the baits they have there didn't work but this one from Bunnings was brilliant.
Once I started using this in the trap I was empting up to 300 wasps out of it in 2 days.
Another great killer was a big plastic fish tub filled close to the top with water and a few quirts of dish washing liquid mixed in, then get a strip of wood, lay some raw chicken strips down the centre of the wood (not too close to the sides) and turn it upside down just above the water line allowing just enough space for the wasps to fly under the wood and get some of the chicken, once they try to fly off they drop altitude and fall in the water with dishwashing liquid and they float around until they drown. The dishwashing liquid affects their wings and their ability to fly so they just drown.
I was way up over 2 thousand trapped and drowned before the counsel found the nest and killed them all.
Look the fish tub trap up on youtube, Americans use them and they are massive killers of wasps and you don't get any bees.
When hunting think safety first
You will have to nail the chicken to the wood
When hunting think safety first
This is good information: https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/d...ula-wasps/faq/
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Speaking to my mate this morning about 9am. Says that or sooner was best light to see the wasps because of the contrast in the light.You could see them flying. He uses 50/50 petrol and diesel on the nest.
You found my cunning plan.