0 - 99 metres
100 - 199 metres
200 - 299 metres
300 - 399 metres
400 - 499 metres
500+ metres
No can of worms !!!
Par for the course
Depends mostly if not solely on your terrain etc that you have to hunt in
I shot the mid North Island for years and my average distance on shots was 5-20m
But I had no open terrain/country it was all bush and the very occasional track shot without bloody Toe Toe blocking the line of sight
That's a pretty accurate statement I would say. Most Goats I've taken have been 5-50 mtrs with the odd pig thrown in there but thats generally bush hunting. The last few fallow were at 140 and 385 mtrs but that was open area. I had one lined up at 680 mtrs which would have taken but a fawn was present. The fallow were all with a big banger rifle also which I am comfortable shooting and would probably go to 800 if I thought shot was worth taking...but rifle capable of reaching out alot further than that.
born to hunt - forced to work
From 3m in the thick shit to 1000m in the open but most would be 50 to 500m. Got 4 animals this week, closest being 20 odd meter pig with 22mag and fallow at 250 odd with the 7saum
My furtherest deer taken was 350m, but I’m far more comfortable out to 250m
That yellow 200 litre drum in or around centre of photo is 500 metres...can you even see it let alone put a bullet in it?
My last half dozen animals (deer and pigs) have all been within 30m and have got to within 25 of another half dozen deer with the bow. Even the last few on the tops have been under 100m.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Since about 2010 my closest animal was 20yds, furtherest was 634yds. Average is about 320yds. I mainly hunt the Canterbury tops.
I shot a fallow buck at about 115m just after lockdown, this would have been my longest shot at a deer for over a decade. Most deer would be under 50-60m, the closest was a spiker at about 5m. Have shot animals out to about 300m but not commonly and not for long while.
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
Majority would be between 15-60m for me. Closest less then 1m from the end of the barrel and furthest 230m probably only 5 deer shot over 100m