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Thread: What is the most humane way to shoot a goat?

  1. #16
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mimms2 View Post
    I will never, ever. agree with people recomendeing to smash bone to stop them running away.
    Every shot should be a kill shot.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    If shot through

    chest your circulating blood volume enters into your chest cavity so quick that you will feel no pain nor suffer before losing blood flow and hence oxygen to your brain.
    Chest shot game anchored through shoulder same deal. You see the lights go out in the eyes pretty quick or,if not anchored, then the 'dead run' is usually quite short and unlikely to cause much suffering
    JessicaChen likes this.

  3. #18
    Still learning JessicaChen's Avatar
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    Every goat I have shot in the chest/lungs area has dropped pretty much instantly, 7mm08. Otherwise would go for brain.

  4. #19
    MB is online now
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessicaChen View Post
    Every goat I have shot in the chest/lungs area has dropped pretty much instantly, 7mm08.
    Same. Maybe a stagger of two steps, then hit the deck.

  5. #20
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Pretty sure the brain stem is bone.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by odds0und View Post
    For most efficient shooting I was taught by the old man to aim for the hilar zone depending on distance.
    This pic I dug up from the forums, it's from Red Deer in New Zealand by Roger Lentle and Frank Saxton (which is a bloody good read if you're interested in deer stalking).
    From my experience with goats I would say the anatomy is pretty similar, just a smaller target.

    Attachment 162353
    This is good advice from (medical Dr) Lentle.

    He obviously understands risks of head shooting by ordinary people under ordinary circumstances. A muffed head shot is about as cruel as it can get.

    When giving advice about ordinary field shooting the theoretical helicopter really does need to land. Hillar/shoulder shots are humane and result in quick deaths, and that's a fact. Far less risk of maiming. Neck shots ought to be left for the more experienced. And head shots - hardly ever unless under near ideal conditions and with appropriate experience and well sighted in rifle.

    Perhaps the original poster is aiming a little low on the crease line and getting a heart rush, or the PMC bronze is a bit hard?
    time out, 2post and odds0und like this.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by mimms2 View Post
    The question was what's the most humane. That's not a "head" shot but a "brain stem" shot.
    This is the accepted practice for wholesale slaughter/culling/meat production.

    Real-world or rushed shots, maybe not so practical. But I'd rather watch an animal walk off than fuck it up. They should be the cliche "dead before they knew it" or before they hit the ground.

    The "hilar" or "vitals" or "boiler room" is also acceptable, but then your choice of cartridge and projectile comes into play more.
    What range is it? At what velocity will it connect? Will it expand? Will it penetrate?

    I've never been hungry enough that just sledgehammering the front off an animal was an ethical choice. For me.

    Why never shoot bone? Meat ends up adrenaline shot. Plus wastage. And there ain't so much meat on a goat it's worth wasting.

    Why every shot a kill shot? Because if I'm ever shot to death, I'd like to think I wouldn't know. Having my hips blown off with a TSX and bleeding out through the femural or drowning in my own blod? Pass.
    If you're shooting for commercial recovery certainly go for a neck or head shot, it's the difference between getting about $5:50/kg against maybe $2:50kg for body shot animals. When you're shooting an area where average weight on the hook is around 10kgs/animal the extra money soon makes it worth-while. If you use hillar shot when using something like .223 hunting for the pot you loose bugger all meat, more useable meat off rear legs,back fillets aqnd neck than what you loose on maybe one shoulder or ribs. If staight out culling it's about getting as many as possible humanely in the quickest time. Each to their own.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    This is good advice from (medical Dr) Lentle.

    He obviously understands risks of head shooting by ordinary people under ordinary circumstances. A muffed head shot is about as cruel as it can get.

    When giving advice about ordinary field shooting the theoretical helicopter really does need to land. Hillar/shoulder shots are humane and result in quick deaths, and that's a fact. Far less risk of maiming. Neck shots ought to be left for the more experienced. And head shots - hardly ever unless under near ideal conditions and with appropriate experience and well sighted in rifle.

    Perhaps the original poster is aiming a little low on the crease line and getting a heart rush, or the PMC bronze is a bit hard?
    Not in anyway disagreeing Tahr, but I would like to add 'The base of the neck' as in neck crease as a very good shot placement point. It is really a Hilar and neck shot combined. Also regarding head shots, a very very experienced meat hunt told me to ALWAYS use the Ear Hole as the aim point for a side on head shot. To Quote " The ear hole gives an aiming point that even if it sometimes does not kill the animal instantly will always put it down. Trying to find the recommend line back from the eye our brains will tend to centralise the cross on the centre of the head resulting in a shot to the Jaw Hinge " In my own experience the ear hole is a great aim point for pigs

    PS Best way to kill goats: 90gr 270 Sierra HP in the chest
    Micky Duck and MB like this.

  9. #24
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    funny how most of folks say same thing in diferent ways LOL....
    that diagram of lentle n saxtons is gold...not much has changed from the earlier one put out by NZFS/mountain safety council.... and the reasons for each still hold true......you DONT see the kidney/22 shot advised anymore....a bit non PC but it was there in the day,crippled animal allowing follow up...definately not ideal but it worked.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  10. #25
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    I popped a big old billie in the back of the head once with a 223 from about 75m. As I walked up to him he woke up, and buggered off with a bit of a headache (managed to catchup an finish him off). I'd hit him near the rear base of one of his handlebars and loosened it up a bit.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  11. #26
    Member Rusky's Avatar
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    Just shoot them FFS!

    We all should know when to shoot and not shoot.



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