They took the young and dumb stags mostly by the look of it, if off private property it only makes sense to do it or shut up the place for guided hunts and have farming as secondary and we all love that eh.
If off public land once again they took mostly young stags, this may piss of trophy hunters but is best for every other hunter and makes that public land trophy actually a trophy.
55 deer in a morning from a chopper, there must be a bloody shitload of deer in there and if it wasn't for them (the choppers) they would be 1080d you can bank on it.
I would bet Dave's left testicle a chopper wouldn't shoot anywhere near 55 deer on public land in a morning in my region.
While I sort of feel I should be payed for my deer they are making money out of (public resource) the sad facts are if they are not controlled then I (we the public) have to pay to poison them and leave them to rot.