Sammiches. Pretty much the same every day.
Multigrain toast bread with avocado + grated cheese + lettuce + sliced ham + hot English mustard.
Sammiches. Pretty much the same every day.
Multigrain toast bread with avocado + grated cheese + lettuce + sliced ham + hot English mustard.
Handful of salted roasted cashews and a bag of lollies. Lasts me a full day. Drink heaps of water.
Was BINGO the name of the farmer or the dog?
While I don't go too the extreme of a KETO style diet, I have noticed that carbs and direct sugars put me into highs and lows energy wise.
For me on Hunting trips it's fats that do the job. Cheese and salami for lunches. I don't need much of that to keep me going for the day.
Unsophisticated... AF!
Jam sandwiches for me made with my wife’s homemade jam
Happy Jack.
Wife being a foodie, if she comes she brings crackers cheese pesto olives salami pastrami and all sorts of other nice stuff