Will the last few years being late/early, where do you think its going to kickoff next year based on current trends?
Will the last few years being late/early, where do you think its going to kickoff next year based on current trends?
Northern Ruahine. Reds April 10.
Southern Kaweka. Sika April 25
But what would I know....... havent shot a stag in the roar for almost 30 years![]()
We shot central Sth Isl 2011 at Easter w/e and the roar was WELL over - 22 April
Easter 08 - early - just starting? - 21 March
Week before Easter 07 was cranking 6 April
Need to plan my trips off you see![]()
Last year up lake Rotoroa( the Nelson one keep hearing of one up north as well) was up there from the 14th to the 20th and they were rutting but not roaring(dont seem to be very vocal up there to much pressure) stags had hinds and they would come in to check ya out if you roared but not reply.pissed down the whole time except when it snowed.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I will put a fiver on some roaring occuring between the 25th March and 1st of May.
West coast 6th-16th will be smack in the middle of it.Can get them going from 20th march though through to end of april.
Manapouri, 25thish March. But we're going down on the 20. Yearlings were kicked off early down there....
Had a roaring match with a farm Stag about 6 days ago near Dunedin so I'd say its already started.
Central / southern Ruahines 28th mar , good stags going by 7th april . Kaimanawas 24th april going well
This prediction was made on the basis that the season in Hawkes Bay appears to be about 12 days behind last year.
i.e. spring was late this year especially in the areas of the Ruahine and Kaweka where I have been hunting.
We have had late snows, frosts and cold weather into December and the costal limestone country is still looking flush with green grass, usually this is drying off and turning brown by now.
A mate who runs large kiwifruit orchards was 12days behind last last season putting out his bee hives. Apples and Grapes also appear to be behind as a result.
But only time will tell aye.