Hey fella's just thought i would start a thread where you can post what your plans are and goals for the 24 Roar!
For myself im planning on 7 weeks camped off clement's road sika hunting bigs 8's on the menu, managed 6 weeks in 2021 thanks to @onva assistance with accommodation
when i was rained out of the forest and managed to get my first sika stag a nice 8pt, also a smaller 7pt on anzac day.
Managed 6 weeks in 2023 got a nice little 7 and afew meat animals and have it all on video about to be edited together before i head away for this roar.
Goals for this roar are like always a bigger and better 8pt stag and also to save the skins and tan them incamp, felt guilty last few roars leaving such beautiful
skins to just rot away so i have all the stuff needed to tan the skins
For this roar im coming more prepared have a bigger hot tent, last year got rained out and molded out, Got a 12v shower setup that uses hot water heated by
the fire from a 100L steel drum so lots for hot shower's, better stretcher setup, gas cookers, new domex sleeping bag, new sleeping mat, bivvy tent
, usb camp lights you name it been upgrading gear since last roar to make camp more liveable for such a long period. Going to be an awesome time
with afew forum members, and mates from the real world stopping in for a week or two trying for illusive sika stags
Will post trip reports and a video when i can get back to home turf of the trip
Hot Barrels 2024!