The dogs in Te Urewera need sorting for sure. They're fuckin dangerous.
Be good to organise a no dogs in park period and baiting and poisoning for the wild mutts.
The dogs in Te Urewera need sorting for sure. They're fuckin dangerous.
Be good to organise a no dogs in park period and baiting and poisoning for the wild mutts.
Yeah true. Be good if the dogs they have at home stay there
For a while as a poison programme rolls out.
DOC do still manage in partnership
Yes, I see the same.
By 'manage' I mean they have board representation. In terms of funding associated with maintainence and improvements in not sure but it certainly seems that's lacking.
TBH this suits me as I don't have city day hikers, mtn bikers and other wankers around where I hunt.
Kia Ora Tuhoe
Tough call on dogs.... I would personally either leave a dog alone or try to help it out unless it was outright aggressive and directly threatening me, but I do see that the culture here is much more strict on dogs' behavior, and that they have a potentially excessive effect on wildlife. Don't have much experience with stray dogs being a thing in Canada; the coyotes, wolves, and cougars eat them... and anything a dog could kill there isn't destined for a long long life anyways. Dogs caught wandering on farms do sometimes get shot by farmers on occasion, but usually only if the farmer's a bit of an old coot or they're seen actively bothering calves... rest of the time they're probably just looking for something to roll in or mate with... they generally are pretty fat and slow compared to kiwi dogs too
Doesn't seem to be the same kind of issues on the South Island as North Island with dogs getting lost, but would probably do what I do with dogs I find lost in the city - if I can't find the owner after an hour of looking around and they're sociable, take them to the SPCA or a rescue society if the SPCA can't do it. Between the two of them I've never had them reject taking a lost or neglected dog or cat I've come across, so they're a pretty great resource. Usually it's pretty evident when a dog's just on a short wander vs when a dog's lost - it's in poor physical condition and early on distressed and panicked trying to find its way back, or later has given up and just wants food and attention and has no intent of leaving.
I do everything I can to train dogs to stay close and be well mannered around people and animals... if I had a dog that wandered further off from me and someone shot it on public land that would be pretty heartbreaking, I consider a pet dog as more family than some of my blood relatives.
Reading through some of these posts, seems some people are mis-understanding exactly what a wild dog is.
A wild dog is a dog that is born in the wild.
Wild dogs have had no contact or influence from man. They know nothing of obedience or discipline, that would refrain them from doing what the love to do most.
What wild dogs love to do most is kill, kill and kill again, just for the fun of it, doesn't matter if it got hair, fur, feathers or wool.
These animals are growing problem in NZ and I fear that one day there will be a human statistic, just as there are for shark related deaths.
Wild Dogs are not mans best friend. Even if they do look like it.
i posed the question to this forum one day after seeing dog prints in the snow but no human prints, an got all keen to shoot a dog but never seen it...
i do however know a thing or two about the ol Aussie wild dog![]()
Pretty capable looking beasts there. What's that one st the top bro? I thought it was your scarf😁
Thats $120 im holding there through the Government Bounty.
This was her before, that a 303 #1 also
this in her mouth, taking back to a den, i followed up on the den location, filmed 4 pups but never shot em! spewin!
this is a kangaroo or technically a Native Wallaby, foot
I shot one a couple years ago in NT and it was carrying a Bat in it's gob.
Pretty decent bounty...possible to bait them up after shooting a meat animal sambar?
Nice rifle btw
Entry wound - 180gr Nosler Accubond - 300 win mag at about 50 - 80 yards