Anyone know anything bout these drops ?
If its true , which I really hope not, would be devastating.
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Anyone know anything bout these drops ?
If its true , which I really hope not, would be devastating.
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Yea, but what can we do? We are only the public. They powers do not listen to us or care. They do what they want regardless.
The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '
If true, this would be extremely disappointing. It would also be a display of today’s way of thinking. Take the weird minorities and give them the choice over the rest of us.
Such a shame.
The wife and I are looking forward to migrating south to live because of the “wilderness” type of landscape down there and the freedom to hunt. This would definately put us off
What I really dont get is that doc themselves shut the blue mtns to hunting for fawning , I dont know how they can sleep at night
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Yes, just been advertised about the 1080 proposed drop in my part of the country being Lake Sumner possibly very soon? Generally recreational hunters can consider themselves very quiet when submissions are asked for on such matters as 1080, WARO and AATH, Mt Cook Park Plan as examples. Some expect the NZDA (about 7000 members) to do all the work but many if not all branches do put in submissions - though a branch submission counts as 1. It is individual submissions that count - a numbers game. With the invention of the computer/email - some would think basic letter writing of hunters concerns would be easier for the masses but not to be..... Forest & Bird for example have a bunch of very literate writers and media contacts.....oh and some have made it to Government over the years.
As a recent example on WARO - submissions asked for last year from the public and well advertised. I think it was a total of 240 NZ wide received by DOC including my one. That included for example submissions from WARO operators/ Venison Processors/F&B/General public and hunters for and against. Doesn't leave much to the imagination on roughly how many rec hunters made up this tally - bugger all. I went to the Chch meeting last year - one of five rec hunters in the room - outnumbered by DOC staff/veni processors/WARO operator. Hmmm
Maybe a bit of an expansion from what SkyFlyHigh - wherever in the world they come from? But knowing what is going on is important in this day and age of sharing info on the internet on matters that concern you. Then deciding whether or not you agree or disagree and adding your voice on an opinion/putting pen to paper (for us oldies) if you are concerned about future hunting opportunities.
We need to use our second vote wisely at the next elections.
In some instances Deer repellent has been used that could be worth pushing for seen as how they are RHA areas
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
Also agree we need to band together on but I wouldn't know where to start. @Hunteast can point us in the right direction.
Well we can kiss good by the white tail deer in the greenstone if they don't use deer repellent there.
Since they started pushing for pest free nz this will be how they justify it!
Right so how did we mobilise for the Tahr?
This is no different from what I see from the map they are purposely targeting RHA areas. I would put it down as out of spite for the climb down and mud on face from Tahrmageddoncan almost guarantee that.
What's National say about this? They jumped last time wonder if they will this time?
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
@skyflyhigh where did you get the map? I can't find that any where could you please post a link. The DOC web site is SOOOOOO slowlike trying to wax legs one hair at a time
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
If we could be more involved in the consultation we could at least get them to use deer repellent in these RHA areas.
We won't get them to stop the 1080. I don't think this is really the issue here. But if they used deer repellent in the RHA areas it would be a step in the right direction.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
How effective is deer repellent and how do we know it’s being used once they have agreed?
@Sideshow I screen shot it of a Facebook post , I can't find it on doc website either. Looks to be dated 12th feb 19 so should be somewhere .
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