For current submissions and how to write - type 'submissions' on the DOC website.
For 1080 matters, there is a '1080' heading on the DOC website. Note deer repellant has a budget for use from DOC - not sure how much they budget for but probably a question to be asked? Currently the repellant is sprayed onto the green carrots (pig guts if i am correct?) by a person with back pack, so time consuming which makes it expensive. What they are working on the last year or so is how to mix the repellant when the 1080 is applied which will be cheaper overall. So using deer repellant is on a case by case situation not mandatory due to funding. To know if repellant is used DOC advise such groups as NZDA/GAC because it is a two way street (NZDA are generally always asking for it to be used) and if you ask at your local DOC office/Field Centre i would expect them to provide update.
On your 4 monthly hunting permit online they talk away getting updates via the pesticides summary for the area you wish to hunt.