I just checked the DoC pesticide summary and no mention of the operation as either proposed or planned so have emailed the PN office to enquire why. The other ops are there such as Southern Ruapehu and the Taranaki ops but not the Ruahine one. I have seen a map of the proposed treatment area and it covers the same as last time and about another 1500 ha added on the southern side. I think if hunters got proactive and started emailing the PN office with requests for repellent and also including the Game Animal Council in the email we might get some traction, but we have to get going now. If the GAC get plenty of mail requesting repellent be used in the operation then Tim Gale can advise the minister of the interest and value of the herd, but he needs the evidence from us hunters. The new repellent trialled in the Kaweka operation seems to have worked as well or better than the EPRO version.