The thing I fail to understand with all of this bullshit is that you camped in the same spot, whoopy Dee fucken doo. It was 1am, everyone needed sleep and you had agreed in the morning as to where you would hunt. Why all the aggro? I've camped in the same spot as unknown hunters and never encountered this kind of sandpit childish behaviour.
Having met Spook, I found him to be a pretty normal bush type chap. Pretty easy going, but a spade is a fucken spade and don't question that. For him to have said that about you, something has pissed him off.
Probably the crap that is being spread around has something to do with that.
How's about the pair of you exchange email addresses or phone numbers so you never encounter each other ever again?
Get over it! Accept that both of you are lying to some degree and either tell the complete truth or shut the hell up.
Just because you're a writer for a magazine, you're no better than anyone else, in fact you might be a lot worse as you now come with a badge that you think makes you better. Threatening his firearms license whilst at the same time risking your own (admitting to threatening behavior)) shows your childish stupidity.
Kingston, pull your head in. You have no proof that the damage was done by the writer, merely your suspicion. Same as you, I would think he did considering what happened if your story is to be believed.