Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
Alert: this is Australian research, so it might not be reliable.
What are the statistics of lead poisoning?
Lead exposure was attributed to more than 1.5 million deaths globally in 2021, primarily due to cardiovascular effects. Lead in bone is released into blood during pregnancy and becomes a source of exposure to the developing fetus. There is no level of exposure to lead that is known to be without harmful effects.27 Sept 2024
Lead poisoning - World Health Organization (WHO)
World Health Organization › news-room › fact-sheets › detail
Last edited by Tahr; 31-12-2024 at 04:32 PM.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Tahr, with all due respect I've been working with toxic substances for years.
I'm not reading that. I've been studying these substances for years.
What you all seem to miss is its all about the amount you consume and how. The dose.
It's it fine or large particles ?
How much?
How often?
Or is it a vapour or fume?
What is the chemistry, is it Pb or oxide of Pb, or some other variation.
Are you a foetus, or child? No.
Do you remove most of the contaminated meat? Yes
Yes, if you work with it daily, it needs to be carefully managed.
If you shoot and eat a couple of deer a year it's scare mongering. The dose would be minuscule.
A pregnant wife, just feed her the back legs, or head shoot, problem solved. (Managed)
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
And both too young to die yet !
And I cast my mind back to my youth, working for my father who was a carpenter, slapping Red Lead paint on every weatherboard join. and every corrugated roofing iron overlap.
Then when Pink Bates came about, doing lots of ceiling insulation installs with the latest wiz bang insulation material without dust masks, with all those fiberglass shrads wafting around in the ceiling cavity.
And cutting fibrous Asbestos sheeting with a skill saw without breathing protection.
lt's no wonder I've died halfway up every hill l've ever climbed...... Ignorance is bliss
And I’m the same, how much lead have I chewed on in my youth, how many treated timber tooth picks have I munched on working in a timber yard, how much smoke and shit have I sucked up burning out large electric motors, how much paint have i breathed in from paint, solvents and other nasty shit from spray cans, I’ve literally driven millions of miles in cars with leaded fuel and diesel powered vehicles. Your body is amazing filter system for all this shit. A little bit of lead fragment in a piece of meat doesn’t add SFA to what you breathe in everyday from your environment
Boom, cough,cough,cough