Someone with a YT channel who should have FAR more subscribers is young Tasman (NZ Wild Adventures). High quality content, great production skills and actual, proper adventures![]()
Someone with a YT channel who should have FAR more subscribers is young Tasman (NZ Wild Adventures). High quality content, great production skills and actual, proper adventures![]()
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Rodgees videos don’t spin my wheels a whole lot, but didn’t think there was anything to get ya knickers in a twist about. If ya don’t like his personality then don’t watch him.
He certainly isn’t afraid to put in the hard yards to recover the venison he shoots, and his gun safety yarns can’t be knocked.
#foundout :-)
It’ll happen to everyone of us eventually!
Why wouldn't you just hit the guy up directly with your concerns instead of doing a hit-job on him on here?
I feel this is terrible. There isn't a lot wrong with his clips. This sort of crap is why the hunting fraternity is due to fail and will never gain any traction with governing bodies. Why bad mouth and trash each other. If it's not your thing then keep it to yourself. I realise being in the public space like YT opens you up to criticism. Doesn't mean you need to act on it. Quite disheartening really.
While I get what some of you are saying, I have to disagree, I think YouTube posters like this do us all more harm than good.
Especially the more impressionable people getting into hunting.
I'm not into watching hunting stuff at all, but the little I've seen of Rogee, I didn't see a single clean kill, infact I thought it was bloody disgusting.
I'm into longrange hunting, but the clear lack of control on when to take shots and when walk away was frightening.
Yes, there are just deer, and they are absolutely everywhere, but they still deserve a decent death.
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Can I suggest maybe if anyone has any issues with the content around safety especially they go directly to the person? Not just chuck it on the internet to bring people down.
Ill reserve my opinion re You Tube.
But for the counting down, i often do that with less experienced shooters to make sure we fire at the same time if shooting multiple deer so that someone doenst jump the gun and spook them for the other shooter
And for multiple shooters on 1 deer, makes sense as it increases your chance of a clean kill, 2 holes better than 1 especially if you arent gonna carry the animal out out whole.
To be fair there are plenty of so called "proper hunters" who are terrible shots. Just spend the day at your local NZDA range. I think a lot of "proper hunters" just dont tell you about the missed or bad shots.
If you can't kill it with bullets, dont f*ck with it.
Sometimes I wish we would just all agree to post no public hunting media, good, bad or indifferent. Just kind of feels like the safest option for the longevity of our hobbie.
If we highly edit what we post, cutting out the occasional but inevitable wound loss and gory bits, we risk being eventually called out as dishonest. If we show that stuff, well, we know how that'll go down, so it seems to me we could just quietly get on with it and share amoung people we know will appreciate it, friends, family and fellow hunters we actually know.
I also have to wonder how much trying to turn a hunt into film content would suck all the damn fun out it. Kind of seems like it would make it a whole lot more difficult to live in the moment.
Just to clarify, I am part of the reason people do post stuff up, as I often consume and enjoy it.