Looks like NZ media following the main stream media in the USA and spreading fake news, call them out on it no one believes the media anymore with access to the net and able make up our own minds. Its all political propaganda bullshit IMO of course.
Looks like NZ media following the main stream media in the USA and spreading fake news, call them out on it no one believes the media anymore with access to the net and able make up our own minds. Its all political propaganda bullshit IMO of course.
I received a reply to my letter to the Minister of Police basically a waste of time,
Dear Mr Walker
I am writing on behalf of Hon Paula Bennett, Minister of Police, who has asked me to acknowledge and thank you for your email of 14 January 2017 concerning Mr Cahill’s statement that there were 20,000 firearms stolen or sold to offenders. Please be assured that your comments have been noted.
I must point out that politicians cannot instruct Police in operational matters. This is a long standing convention that was enshrined in law with the passing of the Policing Act 2008. It ensures that law enforcement and investigation by the Police remain free of any political influence or interference.
Therefore, as the issues you refer to in your correspondence relate to matters that are the responsibility of the Commissioner of Police, I have transferred your email to his office for consideration.
Yours sincerely
Ali Sedgwick
Part Time Private Secretary (Police) | Office of Hon Paula Bennett | Minister of Police
7.6 Executive Wing | Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
Email: ali.sedgwick@parliament.govt.nz
Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
Well the article has been amended now with "Chris Cahills mistake" being fixed, maybe some of the emails to Ms Bennett did get some sort of action after all
Well done to all those who wrote in and called bullshit!
Police Association president Chris Cahill mistakenly gave an incorrect figure relating to guns in a recent media interview.![]()
Lol, 'mistake' yeah right. And the police wonder why (they commented on it in the select comittee) they are getting increased resistance from license holders.
In fact scratch that, I think they know why, and are actively causing it, while playing dumb to the public.
Funny I wrote innot posted
but if you see the name Mrs Brown then yep that might be me