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Thread: .22 Magnum Accuracy

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Central Otago
    I have never liked the .22WMR for three reasons; the lack of accuracy, the noise, and the price of the ammunition (disproportionately expensive for the increase in performance compared to .22 LR) .22 WMR rifles that will shoot better than 2 MOA are rare.
    Micky Duck and Finnwolf like this.

  2. #17
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    I've owned five .22 mags over 30 years .
    Most of them were very average in regards to accuracy , but they earned their place in the safe because the round is very useful for sending animals to the after life in the yards for the freezer or if they are injured .
    But a few years ago I " Cracked the Shits " with my old Stirling .22 mag because of feed and ignition problems and replaced it with an old Anschutz .22mag .

    At the same time as I got the rifle my supply of Federal ammo ran out so I bought a few different types to try .
    It has been said before but the quality of ammo is what has held back the .22 mag over the years , and todays offerings have really propelled it to a better place .
    Maybe my Anschutz is a good example but here is what it does with Hornady and CCI at 75 yards

    Hornady 30gn

    CCI 35gn A22

    The Hornady is actually more consistent but the fragile bullet isn't what I'm after .
    The 35 gn CCI is much tougher and is my " Go to " ammo now , I bought 1000 rounds of it which will last me forever for how often I use it .

  3. #18
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDuxbury View Post
    I always wanted a good .22 Magnum. So far I have been through three of them, and none of them would shoot for sh#$t. I am talking 4 - 6 inch groups at 100 yards. I would have been happy for two inch groups at 100 yards, or even three inches, good enough for government work.

    Then I read an article about a guy who tested every brand of .22 Mag ammo with a machine rest at 200 yards, and none of them grouped very well. He concluded that nobody makes accurate .22 magnum ammo, unlike .22LR.

    Yet sometiems I hear of people who do have a .22 mag that shoots well. Inch groups at a hundred. Half inch groups at 50 m.

    I mean, sometimes I dont know why I bother, because I have a .223 that I download to 2000 fps with AP70 and it shoots very well like that. And frankly, the last time I checked, I was reloading .223 for less than what a box of 50 .22 Mag can cost....but still, I like the round. I want to like it...
    I just read your original post again and realised that you have a .223 load that duplicates a .22 Mag load .
    In that case I wouldn't bother buying a .22 Mag in my opinion .
    My .22 Mag is just a Tool and even though my previous post shows it with a Scope and those pics of Targets were shot with the scope on 9 power it is used with open sights at ranges of no more than 10 yards .
    I'm a .223 fan and if you have one that shoots well then use it and be happy .
    In my case the .22mag is used for " Knocking a captive animal " for Hunting the .223 is my first choice .
    Buttttt..... if the old Anschutz was all I had then accuracy wouldn't be a limiting factor .

  4. #19
    Bah, humbug ! Frogfeatures's Avatar
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    I had a Norinco 22 mag.
    Floated the barrel, bedded the action, tried 4-5 brands and weights of ammo.
    2.5” groups at best.
    Sold it when I realised I could better that with 223 handloads, for the same cost.
    RUMPY likes this.
    He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.

    You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
    Sounds like a typical hunting trip !

  5. #20
    Member cambo's Avatar
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    I have a 22 mag norinco that my son uses more than me and he's a brilliant shot with it. Regularly doing head shots on bunnies at 300+m.
    Its better for longer range shots than my 17hmr and doesn't get effected by the wind as much.
    Only used S&B ammo when they made it, but since its no longer available, I'm now solely using Hornady Vmax.
    It gets used and abused with pest control duties, so not a safe queen or show pony.
    dannyb likes this.
    Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh

  6. #21
    Bah, humbug ! Frogfeatures's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cambo View Post
    I have a 22 mag norinco that my son uses more than me and he's a brilliant shot with it. Regularly doing head shots on bunnies at 300+m.
    Its better for longer range shots than my 17hmr and doesn't get effected by the wind as much.
    Only used S&B ammo when they made it, but since its no longer available, I'm now solely using Hornady Vmax.
    It gets used and abused with pest control duties, so not a safe queen or show pony.
    I used your thread on the 22 mag, not sure if it was this forum, or the other one, as my basis for ‘improving’ it.
    Tried various things, different scopes
    It was a fun rifle, especially after I’d reshaped the woodwork, but it never shot as well as my 223
    cambo likes this.
    He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.

    You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
    Sounds like a typical hunting trip !

  7. #22
    Member cambo's Avatar
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    Mate had a Weihrauch 22wmr that was simply stunning!!
    Wood was amazing and it shot extremely well.
    He sold it and has regretted it ever since.
    Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh

  8. #23
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    I recently trialled a heavy barrel bolt Marlin 982VS in WMR for couple of years. Took a while to learn you must clean out copper thoroughly - then it began to shoot with extreme accuracy. It liked the high quality Hornady V-Max 30gr load and both mate and I could get it shooting down into 0.2 - 0.3" groups at 50m. Did only a single group at 100m and that was 0.7". All three shot tester groups. Mate has same Marlin rifle but with standard barrel and that is very sharp also - I remember blowing the top of a 1" target dot out at 50m with 5 shots from his.

    So answer is - there are certainly accurate 22WMRs out there. But you will need to find right makes and models, have a good cleaning routine, and find right ammos - As Always. Try Hornady 30gr V-Max..
    Growlybear and dannyb like this.

  9. #24
    Member nzspearo's Avatar
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    Grew up watching my old man head/neck shoot goats in WA with a marlin bolt action 22 mag with open sites. Think it was something like a model 25?

    Kinda always wanted to try one, and eventually traded one for a scope I was selling. It was a ruger precision rimfire in 22mag and it loved the hornady vmax ammo. It just didn’t get used as I have multiple 22LR and a 223. Sold it recently, almost wish I hadn’t as I missed a headshot on a black rabbit with the 223 the other day

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  10. #25
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    the excel arms semi I used to own was one of the test rifles used for the the article
    Haha so was my Rossi
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  11. #26
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    I had a freak, a heavy barrelled Stirling, I don't know if it was the original barrel or not but it was an honest 5 shot inch group at 100 yards, had a worked trigger as well it unfortunately meet it's demise when it went overboard in Lake Brunner during a rough trip back from Te Kinga, accounted for a lot of 'ahem' moonlit deer in it's time.
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  12. #27
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    Google Volquartsen… and Magnum Research. Awesome shooters. Great platform. Even the boring old Ruger 10/22 Magnum version can shoot very well - thread a decent barrel into one with the single extractor and bobs your uncle.


    Seldom use my Volquartsen these days as it’s so damn accurate and doesn’t give the bunny’s a chance. Used to be a few kicking around 10 or so years back, but not seen one for sale for many years. 17HMR is the in fashion round I guess. Although I understand did blow up a few different brands of semi autos. Had a mates Excel Arms spew some 17HMR case fragments over a couple of us one Easter Bunny shoot. Interesting experience.

    To be fair I’m definitely a 22Magnum fans - owned a dozen or over the years.

  13. #28
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    Haha so was my Rossi
    I think Ken kept the CZ
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  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Godzone, South Island
    I've had a couple of 22 Mags, simply a single shot Remington 22 rechambered to 22 Mag. Robbie Tiffen did the rechambering and mounted a 3/8 dovetail base on them. Must've learnt a thing or 2 about the 22WMR when he was working for Hugh Bradley cos both of those rifles shot 5 shots in to a matchbox at 100, consistently. The first time I sighted in the scope on the first one, my wife put 7 shots in to less than a matchbox. Both those rifles were deadly and sadly I sold 'em.
    And when Graham Henry was the Associate Editor of the Rod and Rifle, he wrote an article on the Bradley 22WMR and how accurate it was. It was so accurate that he used it as his go to rifle for scope testing for many of the scopes he was asked to review.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    My experience with the .22Mag is the same as pretty much everyone who has posted here, the odd one that groups combined with most that are short range only. If you shell out the big bucks on an Annie or equivalent Euro-made rifle you are likely to get one that is good to go in terms of accuracy but for everything else 3" or worse is the norm. At least they are repeatable. I have the idea in my head that it's related to the case design and chamber specs rather than anything mechanically wrong with the rifles. The Euro rifles seem to be a lot tighter in that area, one I saw would not chamber every round from certain brands.



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