Try some match ammo, CCI Standard Veloictiy is a good place to start.
The only hollow point ammo I've found to have decent accuracy is Eley 38gr subsonics, shoots far far better than any other hunting ammo I've used.
Try some match ammo, CCI Standard Veloictiy is a good place to start.
The only hollow point ammo I've found to have decent accuracy is Eley 38gr subsonics, shoots far far better than any other hunting ammo I've used.
Well this weekend will be the big test. Got a box of Tenex, Fiocchi Official 320, Eley subsonic HP, RWS HV target, and Aguila super extra to try out. At the very least one of the match ammo’s should show the potential.
I've got a Leupold fixed 6x on my 1972 Anschutz 1422 (54 action) and the parallax was set to 100m so after unscrewing the front of the objective lens, I adjusted the parallax to 50m. Easy as. Not sure if you can do that on a Leupold variable though or any other brand easily.
Bet that 54 is a nice piece of kit, I’ve been contemplating one for sale down south for bit….
I’m going to adjust the parallax on its scope this weekend too, looks easy enough to do so why not.
Do it if it is a cheapie scope that you dont care about. Dut if it is a good one, dont. You risk leaking out the nitrogen inside, then it is going to fog and/or erode coating of the glasses inside. Been there done that...
On the main topic, 1415 is the low cost line. The old ones aren't bench mark for quality nor accuracy. You can get a good one, but it is a but of a hit and miss. I happen to have a good one but I have seen plenty of threads reporting them to have mediocre accuracy. the second hand price has been around ~$350 for years and recently they gone up to about 500+ , not sure why since the new CZ457s are so much better in every way, for only 800 when they were first released.
If your 1415 is not shooting that great, just accept it as a plinker or move it on. There is no point spending money on different ammo to test or time to tweak it.
I have a a nice rifle with mediocre accuracy, I just shoot it open sight. I just take a better shooting gun to go hunting with.
A good job and a good wife has been the ruin of many a good hunter.
Well, I’m not sure that this Anschutz is going to do a anything amazing. Of the 11 types of ammo I’ve tried, the total average is 30mm. My rough and ready JW15 does 28mm average across all those ammo types, and is more consistent too.
The average with the Tenex in the Annie was 22mm at 50m, and the Fiocchi Official 320 went 23mm. RWS HP subs went into 23mm also.
Aguila 38gr Super Extra was a shocker at 38mm. The JW hated it too- 42mm average.
Do some research on adjusting the parallax on your particular scope. No nitrogen can escape on a fixed power Leupold as you're only removing the section in front of the gold ring. As I said earlier, not sure about Leupold variable power scopes.
Works fine on Leupold variables - I've done a VX2 2-7×33 and a VX3i 4.5-14x40. The difficult part can be getting the front ring off - I recommend a large hose clip over a scrap of leather. Just don't wind the front lens carrier out too far! Winding out is of course the way you bring the parallax free distance closer, but if you keep going you will indeed lose the inert gas fill. I haven't gone closer than 50m myself. I hear 25m is okay (haven't tried it) but presumably the risk goes up as you go closer.
That said, I don't think you actually need a parallax-free scope to shoot good test groups. There is only a parallax error if your eye isn't centered behind the scope. I find it easy enough to consciously keep my eye centred for each shot when doing limited testing. Not ideal, but works to identify if parallax is actually the issue.
Sorry to hear your Anschutz isn't shooting up to your expectations Hunter_Nick.
So I’ve given away the chase with this one. ( the anschutz that is) Took the tasco 3-9 scope off it, and plonked it on the JW-15 and adjusted the parallax to 50m. Then proceeded to turn in 4 consecutive 5 shot groups of 0.7” It’s amazing how well those Chinese .22s perform.
Does the 1415 only have one bedding screw to hold the action into the stock like the 1450?
I had same issue with a 1450. Had to get match accuracy with a 1 screw setup.
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Hi @Dicko no it had two action screws. It’s been moved on to another home now, going to put my time and effort into the JW. It’s showing real promise.
Good lesson there - JW15 easily outshooting the Anschutz, and in your 2nd post you mention a Tikka 1x and ruger precision .22 with Athlon 6-24 at range were no better than that Annie!! JW15 outshooting them as well - for that moment..
Expect to hear of some sub 0.5" groups with the JW very soon. With a little polish to bring out their Brno model 1 DNA, they can be very effective wee hunters.
Last edited by mudgripz; 14-08-2022 at 11:10 PM.
22 sporters can be pretty accurate but chasing a bigger group issue like this can be a challenge and I have a few rifles in the safe that I will be trying some of the above advice with, especially a Savage mk2 that should be better than it currently is.
My latest 22 has really set the bar for me accuracy wise, and it's an AR style semi auto! The Tippmann M4 on my visit to the range a week back printed this 19mm 5 shot group at 100m, with CCI subs and a pretty cheap LPVO 5x scope on it too. The 50m shots were all touching in a clover leaf but I didn't grab a pic of them.