hey !!! i just bought the wife a 30/30 !!!
I agree with others here; re .222, If spooked, lung-heart shots can result in lost deer, depending on the country. If they're quiet, they often just sit down and then keel over. And as mentioned, good head and neck shots are dead on the spot. My tikka m55 likes the ppu (privi) 50gr, more accurate than my reloads and just works.
Year I started school, old fella.
A good shot at close range beats a 'hit" at a longer range.
Great photo's @Tahr brings back old hunting memories, when we meat hunted and in the Forest Service days we didn't have a good camera one of those point and shoot types and bush photo's mostly didn't turn out, wasn't till 83 when I got a decent camera, an Olympus.
@Mooseman Those were taken with a Russian copy of the old 35mm Leica. To post them here, I took photos of the original photos. I never took enough pics either.
Bit of a thread hi-jack going on here, but here are a few more:
Last edited by Tahr; 27-08-2018 at 08:26 PM.
The camera would be a Zorki or a Fed. Didn't know you were a camera guy Mr Tahr.
@ Tahr, hijack away mate, some great old photo's . Cheers for sharing them.
really funny when you look at it...Philip Holden wrote a chapter ".222 the controversial one" waaaaay back when????? not a hell of a lot has changed since then.....the deer are still deer ,sure hunters as a whole are a lot less fit and have better gear,optics are argueable better and rangefinders have taken a lot of guesswork out of things,but at sub 150 yards its still the same ball game its always been.
The .222 does more damage to the deer than my .284 does!!! I shoot them anywhere with it, but I try for the neck. just because if i shoot the deer in the shoulder with the .222 the damage is just crazy!