Crazy yanks! We could do with a few million rounds just to keep the rabbits down for a bit, could you sort that for us please?
Crazy yanks! We could do with a few million rounds just to keep the rabbits down for a bit, could you sort that for us please?
"I have 18,000 rounds.... sorry guys we need it more then you"
Is 18,000 not enough? Some guy wanting a couple of boxes for a comp probably needs it more then you. At least he'll use it not put it in a room and brag about having so much ammo.....
fucking hoarders don't help the matter buying everything they can, if you need to save it cause you think the goverment is going to ban it or you need to go to war with them or whatever your shit reason is use the money on all this ammo and leave your retarded country
I know what you mean, Nevada, I saw that myself at an outdoors centre in Loveland, with Colorado and Pawnee Josh last year. As soon as the store opened a queue formed at the gun counter, why? Because word had got around that this store had some ammo coming in. What ammo? It did not matter, guys bought whatever they could. It can always be traded amongst friends.
10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.
Although thats very good of him my point still stands. Hoarders suck. Also people buying ammo or guns they dont have suck
Toby, by necessity people are becoming hoarders here. Got to get what you can when you can and still end up running out all the time.
The two things we need the most here is .22 ammo and .223 ammo and/or components. What do the yanks go nuts on?![]()
Fair call
We have an ammo mfg (ODL/Belmont), but as far as I'm aware they don't and won't sell their "defense" ammo to us (I have a very vague understanding of what they do). ADI is another that makes shit loads of military ammo that the market here and probably in Aussie would soak up if they made their .308, 5.56 and .50 BMG ammo available to use, but they are probably:
A) Too busy making bullets for much more important customers
B) Bound by some retarded agreement not to supply civilians
C) Both of the above
I hoard ammo and couldnt care less what people thought of me for it. At least i can shoot whenever i feel like it and not have to go to a shop first and/or whine about not having any. Besides, it will always be cheaper to buy it in bulk now than what it will be in the future. Its an investment and a valuable one at that especially if you shoot alot of club based activities.
If I lived there I would have some bullet swaging equipment and/or gas checked cast bullets.Bullets are the most expensive component.
This is why I shoot muzzleloaders, a] I'm tired of reloading b]cast my own bullets c] I can get muzzleloaders with no paperwork delivered to my door in 2 days. It actually costs more to shoot a cap & ball revolver than a 9 or 40.But its less at an hourly rate,if you know what I mean.
What actually caused this buy all the ammo you can mentality in the USA?
I realise it was something to do with Obama but that's about it.
So when everyone has more ammo than they could shoot in three life times and the ammo manufactures have caught up with demand what then? There will be a glut and ammo will be quarter the price of the stuff everyone stock piled?
Ammo producers close down or down size?
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.