First post - I reckon you will regret buying a rifle that doesnt fit your body build , or style of shooting you want to do , far more than you will regret the price you pay.
too old to die young
In fact the more I think about it I think you are better off to buy a cheap centre fire in something like 7.62x39 that is cheap as chips to shoot, that is the best practice. I see them come up for sub $400 from time to time and the ammo is often on sale at around 50c per pew
The old saying " buy once , cry once " is relevent here.
I brought a 10/22 over the rosi 22 , havent looked back.
Howdy all,
Took the rifle to the range and checked zero at 25 m before taking it up 50.
Got these two groups, the square is 1 inch wide and high, so I'm pretty happy for a start. Need to move the scope forward a touch as my check felt far back on the comb, but that's the only thing. Really like the rest of the fit and trigger weight.
Ammo was CCI mini mag 40gr 1235 fps, recommended by Alan when I bought it off him.
Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk
Looks good, that will put a smile on Alan's dial![]()
Get a marlin 795 or model 70.
Super accurate with micro groove rifling.