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Thread: .22lR Norinco JW15

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    .22lR Norinco JW15

    hey lads,

    Just after some views and a bit of direction on these little rifles.

    After a pretty basic cheap .22, the JW15 seems to pop up a lot.

    There's 2 different 'Packages' I'm looking at buying to throw in the safeand have a crack.
    H&F have this: https://www.huntingandfishing.co.nz/...package-1.html

    GC have this: https://www.guncity.com/22lr-outdoor...-barrel-324239

    Any opinions on either? I'd rather have a Ruger 10/22, but that's an upcoming project I think, just want something to bash about, cheap.

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  2. #2
    Bah, humbug ! Frogfeatures's Avatar
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    He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.

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    Sounds like a typical hunting trip !

  3. #3
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Generally speaking, So far so good with mine. Certainly not a class act, bolt is stiffer and trigger is heavier than ideal. That said, they are a mass produced item, and mine hasn't had a whole lot of use.

    A friend who has used them for night shooting extensively has told me that the floorplate on the mag tends to let go and dump the rounds,follower and magspring on the ground.

    He solved that by taking it to an engineering shop and asking them to put the world's smallest tack weld on the floorplate and mag at the back.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max Headroom View Post
    Generally speaking, So far so good with mine. Certainly not a class act, bolt is stiffer and trigger is heavier than ideal. That said, they are a mass produced item, and mine hasn't had a whole lot of use.

    A friend who has used them for night shooting extensively has told me that the floorplate on the mag tends to let go and dump the rounds,follower and magspring on the ground.

    He solved that by taking it to an engineering shop and asking them to put the world's smallest tack weld on the floorplate and mag at the back.
    Are there any significant differences between the outdoor outfitters models, and say the H&F model?

    All I can notice is the HF version has a 4x40 as opposed to a 4x32, and the suppressor and scope is branded 'stealth' ....


  5. #5
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Some are bloody amazing, some are fucking terrible. I'd keep an eye out for a used Brno mod 2 or Marlin 25 or the like instead to be honest
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  6. #6
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    This for instance:

    https://www.trademe.co.nz/sports/hun...f3e311e4b5-005 great little guns

    or this https://www.trademe.co.nz/sports/hun...2c1912c447-006 with a leupold on it, stainless, it's pure theft at that price
    Bol Tackshin and csmiffy like this.
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  7. #7
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    I have a jw15 and to be honest it's the best $150 I ever spent, bought it second hand I've put over 1000 rounds through it and god knows how many rounds the previous owner put through it.
    It's well worn in, smooth bolt action and a bloody tac driver with cci subs.
    If your gonna by a jw15 buy a second hand one that's been "worn in" and proven to be accurate.
    The trigger on mine is fantastic too, definitely a Monday morning rifle not a Friday afternoon one.
    Shootm and gadgetman like this.

  8. #8
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    I don't have experience with either scope, so can't say.

    Suffice it to say, they'll both be cheap.

    Whether they can hold up to being a knockabout gun, ie living in a truck most of the time, is unclear.

    If you intend on keeping the rifle, factor in the cost of a better, more reliable scope over time.

  9. #9
    Member janleroux's Avatar
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    Got a second hand 16” JW15 - it is a absolutely great little rifle. Do not know how many rounds it had through it before me, but I guess quite a lot. It loves CCI std and Aguila’s.

    Just for fun, I am planning to put it into a Boyds stock - want to see what it can do with a bit of love and attention.

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  10. #10
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    If you can't find one that's known to be accurate then it's worth spending a few extra hundred dollars on a decently made 22.

    If you're like me and barely ever use it then you can get away with a cheap Jw15.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the replies lads.

    Since I've got nothing to to tomorrow, I'm going to go have a look at whats available and see how they feel in the hand.

    Something will probably end up in the safe. :/

  12. #12
    Member janleroux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PadLo View Post
    Thanks for the replies lads.

    Since I've got nothing to to tomorrow, I'm going to go have a look at whats available and see how they feel in the hand.

    Something will probably end up in the safe. :/
    Nice - enjoy. Always nice to do the look-and-see’s!

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    What you see, is what you get!

  13. #13
    NO4 is offline
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    I've got the 16inch model with the stealth scope and suppressor, with a bit of polishing the bolt smoothed up nicely,
    Wouldn't hold zero,thought it was the cheap scope (just hadn't been mounted properly).once I had sorted these issues it became a tack driver with subs,I've put hundreds of rounds through it and still going strong,

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  14. #14
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    JW15 can be an ideal worker 22. I like having one in the closet.

    Usually very accurate - most shooting between 0.4 and 0.6" for groups at 50m at best. Frequently outshoot rifles worth 3-4 times as much off the bench. Action a little rough unless polishing done, or its had some wear. Have played with dozens for ourselves and others over the years and we mod them - polish action, do trigger and chop/recrown at 16". This makes them deadly wee hunters. Simply one of the most efficient little workers you can get. Shot huge numbers with them. Mags ok - just keep them lubed.

    Some of GC stuff has been sub-standard in past - like they were making up rifles out of a reject parts bin. Polytech brand JWs no good. H&F usually better from models I've seen - would still benefit from a polish.

    Just umming and aahing...I actually have a little second hand one I've just finished modding. Shoots beautifully - straight to 0.5" group at 50m with Fiocchi High velocity (same factory as that good Aguila ammo mentioned above). Likely 0.4s with Win subs. Beautiful single stage trigger, smooth action, chopped and threaded 16" barrel, Maniatis (disassemblable for cleaning) suppressor - better than GC and H&F ones. Little Sharp Hunter 4x scope - clear and reliable.

    Mmmmmm.... I see you're in Canterbury... send me a pm if interested and we'll talk. This a little pro unit - one very efficient wee shooter.. And no the Ruger 10/22 is not a step up - a nice wee carbine plagued by inaccuracy out of the box. Least accurate of all factory 22 models I've benched - and that's over 7-8 ruger examples and 100 22s. Rugers can be fun little project rifles if you have the $$.
    Last edited by mudgripz; 29-06-2019 at 11:04 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Mine shoots as well as my Brno model2,is shorter and handier as well.dont feel guilty for chopping the barrel and altering the stock to fit palm swell.if the Brno wasn’t so pretty I would sell it and use the jw15 exclusively.
    outlander likes this.



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