True story...I was hunting with a friend in the Northern Transvaal area in 1985. We were walking very quietly through the thorns when he came to a sudden halt, raising his P14. To his immediate left at two metres distant, stood a young adult Kudu bull. The bullet entered and stopped fully mushroomed under the skin on the other. Without hesitation, he turned, passed the rifle to me and pulled his 8 1/2 " 44 mag, shooting it in the head. Extraordinary day...
Reviving an older thread.
Tested 2 loads today and was very pleased with the results. I was mucking around because a) I can't get R26 at the moment for my Barnes LRX 129 grn load, and b) I was interested in trying the 130 grn Federal Trophy Bonded Tip to see if they made a larger exit wound and left a better blood trail than the LRX.
So I tested the Federals with R19 and got 3270 fps and .5 groups @100. Then shot some 129 LRX (R26 powder) into the same .5" group - 32770 fps. I have enough R26 left for about 25 reloads.
So I have 2 good loads that shoot into the same .5" group at the same velocity with 2 powders. The BC difference between the 2 projectiles isn't worth worrying about out to the max ranges (525 yds) I shoot too. Its an xbolt with 22" barrel.
Happy camper, and Steve's Wholesale the agent for R26 powder tells me its due here in September. Ive got a good stock of R19. Happy camper.
Awesome bro! Looking forward to your experience on game with the federals. Cheers bro
32770fps.... now thats moving
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles