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Thread: 30 06

  1. #166
    Join Date
    May 2015
    raleigh north carolina USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    I have a 30-06. It kicks like a mule but it only takes one shot to do the business.
    Yes. Best all around caliber ever been made. The recoil is substantial less than magnums and if you wisely choose your ammo and bullet weights it will kill any critter on earth.

  2. #167
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by southernman View Post
    Not up here (Canada) be the most recommended rifle cal by far, mind you there are bigger animals and sum with teeth and claws, five bear attatcks so far this hunting season, at I know of two run in with cats, (couger), 3006 till very strong in places. perhaps not Nz, but its likely heavier that need for most deer, waps and samber is a good choice.
    The 3006 is the best selling cal in the whole of the north American,still very popular overseas. Too many hip office workers in nz have taken up hunting and made the 7m-08 the best selling cal here. Its just the in thing but no difference to a 308...fact is still think the 308 with its better range of projectiles is better and is the mans choice lol

  3. #168
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    I picked up an old M1917.Still experimenting with what it likes( so far 150 corelokt or super X) With the weight its nice to shoot with 150's, recoils less than my 308 howa. Running 180's give a bit more recoil but nothing unmanageable.
    Recoils only noticed on the bench anyhow. The only drawback is finding the right flavour ammo in shops.

  4. #169
    Member Puffin's Avatar
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    Giving away 90+ 30-06 brass. See post in Pay IT Forward. PM if interested.

  5. #170
    Join Date
    May 2015
    raleigh north carolina USA
    For me, residing in the U.S. the chief advantage of the 06 is the unequaled availability of ammo with the 308 win and the 270 win trailing it, but not by much.

    Whatever the 06 can do the 308 certainly comes within 90% plus or minus and 300 yds. In no animal will know the difference. The 308 win is a bit milder to shoot which is a plus.


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