Around 57/57.5 gns of 2209 will give you low to mid 2800's fps with a 180 in a 22"tube. However i have had some rifles where that load is a bit warm and have to drop back to 56.5. Its a pretty std 06 load. No secret recipe.
@buzzman if you had a 20” 308 and a 20” 30/06 side by side (and loaded to equal pressure) the 30/06 will win the velocity contest every day.
It won’t win an efficiency competition at short lengths, but at the end of the day- burn more powder get higher velocity.
I load 57.5 grains of 2209 with 180's for 2700-2800 fps depending on the rifle. 58.5 grains will get you up over 2800 fps with no issues but I lose accuracy.
I have found 2209 the best powder in the ' 06, but I have often wondered what a curious man could do with a tin of Superperformance...
I always find it amazing how much a difference calibre makes in how powders perform.
2209 is my favourite for the 270. But I had to double check your figures as It seems way overloaded in comparison too my 54grs for a 130gr projectile. Yep sure enough you are correct and it seems like its pretty much the ultimate combination for that powder.
Unsophisticated... AF!