The round nose might be heavier? Its seems a bit of a donk
The round nose might be heavier? Its seems a bit of a donk
@Shootm Yes. Worked there for a couple of years after school and during holidays. Ray Garner and Jim Newman were the mangers. Jim was the first person to take me hunting. Up through what we called Stents.
Sorry about the diversion.
If it's the round nose hornady they are 200grn, I just loaded them out to be just off the rifling, they make the whole cartridge feel nose heavy. They are also designed for the .358win so they do tend to make a 'Big' mess when pushed at the 350's potential.
That was smeee.
Good project and nice looking rifle. Very jealous. Haven't forgotten about our deal either I may add.
Typically the barrel I got from retardme with the others is an '03 Springfield barrel so the OD of the thread is 40 though smaller that a P17 barrel which is what I was after. Bugger. lucky I only paid 20 nicker for the lot.
Might be a bit rare for a good one to turn up I reckon.
Waiting on a dry cupboard when you're sorted![]()