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Thread: Is a 375 Ruger any real use in NZ

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Totara Vale, Auckland
    Stay away from the Cutting Edge Bullets (CEB) 235gr. I was talking to an American hunter over the weekend who hunts Africa each year with his .375 H&H and he tried the CEB 235gr. Blew up on the hide of a Jackal and some of the smaller Antelope species.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Spudattack View Post
    You got to remember that it is velocity and poor bullet construction that causes meat damage, a 300gr TTX out the .375 is only doing 2600fps at the muzzle, would say it would definately exit but will give you a nice wide wound channel but should be limited bruising, you can load them over 3000fps with 235gr pills, then they can do some damage! They would be highly effective out to those ranges.

    It is more than you need but not a problem, and always good to know you have the extra grunt if you need it

    A lot of trophy hunters in Africa use large bores for small game (Duiker, rhebuck etc.) because the low velocity and large bore diameter cause less damage to the cape and meat than a fast little pill.

    My .375 H&H that I sold when I left Africa (SOB) had no more recoil than my 7mmRM I am using now.
    Good to hear as I will be having a go with one in the next few days.....

  3. #18
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I have used mine on goats and there is bigger all expansion. Kills very well though



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