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Thread: 6.5 Creedmoor? whats everyones thoughts? on hunting performance

  1. #16
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by 6.5 CRD View Post
    Would you consider the .270 a more capable round than 6.5 Creedmoor?
    well if you compare apples with apples and feed both FACTORY eldx it would really be a moot point... much of a muchness up close on bigger stuff I would back .270 with heavier factory rounds,even more so with hand loads
    but one will do what the other does...
    JohnQT and 6.5 CRD like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  2. #17
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 25/08 IMP View Post
    Sounds like you have never owned one.

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
    sounds like you might just be wearing blinkers...read his comment again...... it applies to ANY cartridge/calibre from .22lr up to .50bmg you should use appropriate projectile at appropriate range for appropriately sized animal inside appropriate range
    inside 300 yards MOST will get job done without too much fuss...stretch barrel/range and you better have your shit sorted....
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #18
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    260, 6.5Swede, 6.5 creed = all much the same, all much of a much & very capable of taking deer (reds) out 300-400 yards with the right projectiles. Longer range not so much , unless the Hunter/rifle are proven capable of precise shot placement.
    Creedmore vs crudemoore ….I guess this is not “haters” of the cartridge per se, but more a reaction to the over-hyped Hornady marketing machine & some of the “fan boys” they seem to attract. The cartridge is good but it doesn’t offer much over the proven existing 6.5s.
    The 6.5PRC is much the same, it doesn’t offer anything more than a 6.5x284.
    From a commercial perspective Hornady are undoubtedly making a smart play & no doubt raking in good coin. New cartridges, new dies, new pills, etc.
    But in most cases the performance “gains” are over-hyped.
    mikee, Micky Duck and 6.5 CRD like this.

  4. #19
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    Nov 2022
    Interestingly theres little to nothing in it. I think alot of people that hate on the creedmoor dont actually have any understanding of what it is or what its capable of.

    6.5 Creedmoor with 143gr ELDX doing 2800fps has 1791ftlb / 2375fps @ 300yd & 1418ftlb / 2113fps @ 500yd
    .270 Winchester with 145gr ELDX doing 2900fps has 1853ftlb / 2399fps @ 300yd & 1412ftlb / 2094fps @ 500yd.

    Simply put, .270 has 62ftlb & 24fps on the creedmoor at 300yd & by 500yd, the creedmoor has actually overtaken the .270 in both speed & energy, all while using considerably less powder & less felt recoil.

    A dig at .270? absolutely not. Just interesting to see how many people are stuck in their ways with some of the older calibres & refuse to accept that technology moves on and things can in fact be better than what they have used for some time. 6.5 Creedmoor is certainly not the be all and end all, but imo its better than alot give it credit for.
    MattS, 300CALMAN, Oli1102 and 6 others like this.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    zeropak..lots of elk are shot and cleanly killed with the .243w and the .30/30 too
    BUT they are in range and shooter knows there shit/shot placement and as mentioned above projectile choice.
    zeropak..this OP also has a .270 that apparently is very accurate..on one website..and not so much when opting to sell it on here..make of that what you will.
    as I said to OP elsewhere..the 6.5CM will do nothing that his currently VERY accurate .270w wont do already...and/or the crossover between the two is enough to make buying one when already has the other is......weird..even weirder when money being tight is reason to sell the one he already has.
    also has a .45/70 for close range/big stuff...... only will be shooting out to 300-350...... so again you need a new 6.5cm why????
    but what the hell do I know..Im just a .223 shooting "hero" apparently......
    I will add this for the 6.5 crudmore lovers - old Barry would go into the hills with a Holland and Holland 7x57 open sights - mauser action - old craftmanship - subtly engraving maybe even my name on it - hand checkered - and be happy as a little sand boy - and you lot can use ya bloody tikkas in 6.5 crudmore
    RugerM77 and 7mm tragic like this.

  6. #21
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 6.5 CRD View Post
    Interestingly theres little to nothing in it. I think alot of people that hate on the creedmoor dont actually have any understanding of what it is or what its capable of.

    6.5 Creedmoor with 143gr ELDX doing 2800fps has 1791ftlb / 2375fps @ 300yd & 1418ftlb / 2113fps @ 500yd
    .270 Winchester with 145gr ELDX doing 2900fps has 1853ftlb / 2399fps @ 300yd & 1412ftlb / 2094fps @ 500yd.

    Simply put, .270 has 62ftlb & 24fps on the creedmoor at 300yd & by 500yd, the creedmoor has actually overtaken the .270 in both speed & energy, all while using considerably less powder & less felt recoil.

    A dig at .270? absolutely not. Just interesting to see how many people are stuck in their ways with some of the older calibres & refuse to accept that technology moves on and things can in fact be better than what they have used for some time. 6.5 Creedmoor is certainly not the be all and end all, but imo its better than alot give it credit for.
    The issue is that the loading is biased the 270Win has another 10 grains of powder capacity and will push a Nosler 150 LRAB at over 3050 fps with Norma MRP or Re26. Which puts it up against 6.5 PRC or 7mmMag.
    Hornady are good at pushing there new cartridges and loading the old ones down. My 2c
    chainsaw, 57jl, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.

  7. #22
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    I have fun reading all these old boys, that obviously have never fired, let alone hunted with these modern cartridges add to conversations they obviously know little about, great Monday funnies
    199p, BRADS, Moutere and 9 others like this.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ariki View Post
    The issue is that the loading is biased the 270Win has another 10 grains of powder capacity and will push a Nosler 150 LRAB at over 3050 fps with Norma MRP or Re26. Which puts it up against 6.5 PRC or 7mmMag.
    Hornady are good at pushing there new cartridges and loading the old ones down. My 2c
    Of course, if your gonna load the .270 hot with heavies, (provided its got the appropriate twist) its going to out perform the creedmoor. I was more comparing like for like, factory vs factory.
    TimC likes this.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6.5 CRD View Post
    Of course, if your gonna load the .270 hot with heavies, (provided its got the appropriate twist) its going to out perform the creedmoor. I was more comparing like for like, factory vs factory.
    Yes not having a dig have used both 270Win, 6.5 and 6 cream puff and just started on the 6.5 prc.

  10. #25
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    Oct 2019
    Learning to shoot your rifle is roughly 1000 times more important than what cartridge it is chambered for. Buy a tikka in Creedmoor, stop reading this shouting match and go learn to shoot it. It will kill just fine.

  11. #26
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6.5 CRD View Post
    Interestingly theres little to nothing in it. I think alot of people that hate on the creedmoor dont actually have any understanding of what it is or what its capable of.

    6.5 Creedmoor with 143gr ELDX doing 2800fps has 1791ftlb / 2375fps @ 300yd & 1418ftlb / 2113fps @ 500yd
    .270 Winchester with 145gr ELDX doing 2900fps has 1853ftlb / 2399fps @ 300yd & 1412ftlb / 2094fps @ 500yd.

    Simply put, .270 has 62ftlb & 24fps on the creedmoor at 300yd & by 500yd, the creedmoor has actually overtaken the .270 in both speed & energy, all while using considerably less powder & less felt recoil.

    A dig at .270? absolutely not. Just interesting to see how many people are stuck in their ways with some of the older calibres & refuse to accept that technology moves on and things can in fact be better than what they have used for some time. 6.5 Creedmoor is certainly not the be all and end all, but imo its better than alot give it credit for.
    see post #16 LOL
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  12. #27
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LMcNab View Post
    Learning to shoot your rifle is roughly 1000 times more important than what cartridge it is chambered for. Buy a tikka in Creedmoor, stop reading this shouting match and go learn to shoot it. It will kill just fine.
    oh but he doesnt need to..you see he already has a rifle that shoots 0.4" groups and he only shoots to 350 yards....
    oh thats right..it DID shoot .4 groups but now it wont...might be the scope,might be the bedding job he tried after spending $1300 on getting it accurised.....
    thats like sending the car in for a tune up..then deciding to run it on diesel
    but what do I know...Im after all just a .223 using "hero"....
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  13. #28
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry the hunter View Post
    I will add this for the 6.5 crudmore lovers - old Barry would go into the hills with a Holland and Holland 7x57 open sights - mauser action - old craftmanship - subtly engraving maybe even my name on it - hand checkered - and be happy as a little sand boy - and you lot can use ya bloody tikkas in 6.5 crudmore
    Jeez mate I take my hat off to you. These days I would struggle to even see the open sights. Next your going to tell me you still have one of those phones hanging on the wall with the little dial thing on the front you poke your finger into for the numbers.
    10-Ring and TimC like this.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  14. #29
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Michael Roach
    Re: Creedmoor or 6.5x55 with a shortish barrel?
    hi Nathan, I am definately in agreement about the light calibre fad that seems to prevail in NZ, whenever someone tells me they use a 223 for everything I think ( how many animals have escaped wounded by you hero) To put it into perspective every animal I have shot in the last 2 years has been under 50kg. I havent had an opportunity to shoot a red deer because there are none on the properties I hunt on. IIf I had the chance to shoot a Red Stag I would think twice as I 100% retrieve any animal I shoot as a rule. If I was hunting thick bush I would carry my 45-70. What I mean by bush bashing is I am often on my hands and knees crawling through native scrub and gorse in order to either get close enough to make a shot or to have a back drop that doesnt include a farmhouse. I have already been stuck in a gorse bush with my 270 ( silently swearing haha)
    Mooseman likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  15. #30
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    For the record 270 is gay
    MattS, Moutere, Nick-D and 8 others like this.



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