There is nothing wrong with the 303 as an option, especially as you already have one. most ammo's are already at the same speed as a 7.62x39 (2400-2500fps ish) so trajectory is very similar.
As for reducing recoil, downloading is an option, but I can throw a much easier option at you too.....Decent ear muffs. Believe it or not, the body associates the BANG with the push to the shoulder, and if the BANG gets louder the subconscious associates the louder noise with a bigger push, even if the push remains the same.
So if setting up young shooters, a suppressor and ear muffs tames the recoil to a manageable level without (in most cases) actually making any actual difference to the shove.... all down to the noise reduction and they way the brain works....This is also why when you shoot an animal with a rifle, the recoil does not fel the same as when you ar eat the range. Even though you know it is. The mind is concentrating on "other" things and does not notice the noise as much. (adrenaline helps too....)