the only way they would ever stop ar's is to ban all semis like in oz but that will never happen touch wood
the only way they would ever stop ar's is to ban all semis like in oz but that will never happen touch wood
You have a really narrow view of the world. That scenario you outlined is going to happen here. Nuff sed.
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
Na once yellowstone blows and we are all plunged into nuclear winter firearms owners and outdoorsmen will become chiefs of the small tribes that manage to survive
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Must be trolling, because that is fucking stupid. Maybe I should have a special endorsement because my car is more than a certain horsepower or a special knife licence to chop my veges. We already have a special endorsement for semis its called a FAL. This is old shit though, I wont go on you got my raise.
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.
Wow, an even narrower view of the world. Oh my.
Hanse, not trolling at all. we can talk again in 10 years - would be VERY surprised if semis are not on a special endorsement by then.
Do a bit of research about firearms licensing for semis in Aus, UK, South Africa, France ....
By continuing the pistol grip type definition, I think the police have just created a rod for their own backs. Eventually they are going to have enough of silly challenges etc, and just simply go to the next logical step, which is endorsement for all semis.
If my comments are "so fucking stupid", do you agree or disagree with restrictions on handguns ? How about fully automatic firearms ? Would you like anyone with a general license to be able to possess an RPG ?
Last edited by ebf; 17-06-2014 at 11:04 PM.
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
The police have done well with this latest law change. They have captured a vast number of locations and serial numbers of certain firearms. Yes they are available on A cat still but for how much longer. The trend around the world is for firearm prohibition. The UN are doing there part also. The writing is on the wall, how anyone can miss it astounds me. Im guessing in 30 years you wont have semi autos in public hands and possibly boltguns will be on some kind of E cat type register with special conditions attached to them for use along with registration of/and a cap on ammunition sales per person. Hell, to make any firearms in circulation over here completely useless you only have to cut off the ammunition supply, including powder and components. Easy peasy really.
I was being serious ebf, not my fault i can look a little further foward than the end of my nose. Unlike some on this forum it seems.
ebf, I fully agree with you that there will be likely more restrictions imposed on lawful firearm users, my point was that a lot of the time the restrictions are ill thought out, kneejerk reactions to an imagined danger, hence the "f ing stupid" point. Note that I haven't been surrounded by foul mouths for quite as long today, so my language should stay as the queen intended.
I am familiar with the situations in the Countries you mention, I think you will find the laws are often as I state, ill thought out, knee jerk reactions. The criminals in all those countries still retain their guns, it is merely the law abiding who have their rights curtailed. The loonies will still have their Dunblanes. Just because somewhere has a law doesn't mean we should copy it in my opinion.
As for how our current endorsement arrangement works in my view, fine. Bar the messy mssa definition. Flag that and make all FAL holders meet the Ecat storage rules, no full auto. Happy as!
How is my world view narrow Towley? Because I think the banning all semis idea is stupid? Takes all sorts to make a world mate. Out of interest what is your plan for when the baby blue helmets decide to take your guns? Id rather some sensible legislation myself, than look forward to the end of our sport as you seem to be.
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.
Hanse, no worries.
My view is that crims all over the world get guns, completely outside of whatever firearms laws exist. Bringing them into a discussion that only applies to those that abide by the law in the first place is a waste of time.
I do see sense in having specific license type for semis, as well as handguns, much in the same way that you have a special heavy truck license on top of your standard drivers license. I am not saying ban, just more stringent criteria. For those that want semis because of pest control, service rifle or 3 -gun etc, I think something like the current b endorsement system would work fine.
Absolutely with you on all firearms in heavy duty safes![]()
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
Why did this thread raise it's ugly head again after being asleep since the beginning of April ?![]()