Blame rambo.
Blame rambo.
Welcome to Sako club.
Blame it on the moonlight ...
Good times ...
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my granddad (RAF shooting coach) retired said he would rather 5 slower but well placed rounds form a bolt action rifle than quick shots 30 from a semi or full auto says that the 5 shots from the bolt Acton are more effective and there for there is no need for autos and defiantly not for civilian use in some ways I agree but in other ways I very much disagree but I think there is some merit in his argument as I think a lot (not all) of people that hunt with semis get that "if I miss ill just shoot again" mentality
be intresting to hear what people think about this Honestly...... not trying to wind people up I don't do that
You mean with a bolt action if you miss a deer, it doesn't cross your mind to load up and have another go?
It all boils down to the nut behind the butt.
I don't wanna start a shit fight( or do I?) but it seems to be the "older" people that never have much good to say about a semi. Never heard a good word about semis from my dad or granddads. A .303 is all you need blah blah
I personally find the ability to put a much faster second round into a critter a very big plus ethically if it's needed to reduce suffering.
Just because you have a semi does not automatically (pun intended) = spraying rounds.
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People who shot muskets and Martini's probably said the same kind of shit about Mausers and Lee Enfields.
Why in your opinion, do semi automatic firearms require more stringent control?
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Who's butt ya behind? And stop picking on us older gentlemen or we'll turn viral on ya. I sooner be in front of @Happy with his really nice AR than in front of @Blaser with that fucken BLASER at 350 metres. Personally I love a bolt action, but Happy nearly bent me when I had a few rounds out of his AR I could get into it there's nothing wrong with whatever burns ya! Just stay together!![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I'd be more worried for the guy behind the blaser![]()
All this talk about bolts and plastic washers