Ryan, because with a semi it is possible to keep up a sustained rate of rapid fire, especially with high capacity magazines. If I had to choose a firearm to defend myself against a horde, that is exactly what I would want, unfortunately it is also what makes them so attractive to the Rambo types.
To state this in a different way, if you have some nutcase intent on a spree killing or a crim thinking about an armed home invasion, would you rather they have a single shot or bolt action, or a semi

or to bring it closer to home for guys on this forum, if some numpty takes a shot at you in the bush without identifying their target, would you like to be on the receiving end of a semi ?
I think there are very valid reasons for owning and using semis, I just don't think that plinking, or "I like shooting shit" is a valid enough reason...
I think it is more than possible to hunt without semis, I think you can do duck-shooting quite successfully with twin shotties.
In all my years of shooting (military, recreation and competitive) I have yet to come across a person that does not start blasting away when handed a semi.
