Hi Hunter_Nick, I have a 6x45 on a Sako A1, that shoots superbly with anything fed from 55gns to 100gns. The 6x45 is an unsung cartridge and I can't figure out why it has not been commercialised. The likelihood that your 6x45 is a dud is very low as the 6x45 is an inherently accurate cartridge.
A year ago a good friend of mine had a BSA action rebarelled in 6mm Rem with a top (expensive ) barrel, and he/we went through a lot of anguish trying to get it to shoot. It produced 2 to 4 inch groups, with a occasional 1 inch group randomly delivered. It was put together by Alan Carr, and he knows how to put together a rifle. He tried different bullets, powers, loads, I shot it, it was re-bedded, the scope was swapped out, it was just not shooting. He was talking about unscrewing the barrel hat owed him nearly $2k for another! He believed he had an inexplicable dud.
as a last try he swapped his scope and mounts off for one off his other BSA rifles and voila it was a 0.5" to 1" shooter. It was the mounts! and when the dud mounts were put on a different BSA rifle that rifle shot well. Duh?
The BSA Hunter action is rock solid, at the same quality of a Sako anytime. The new barrel is likely to be great as well. I have 2 BSAs, my friend has 4, and they all shoot very well.
The point is - look at everything. If you've tried lots of loads then that is unlikely to be the problem. Is it bedded? Have you tried someone else shooting it? Swap the scope for another. Try different mounts. BTW the BSA scope mounts by SportsMatch are good, and any mounts that fit the CZ550 will fit the BSA.
Also try a different shooting set up, I have recently got the top of the line Caldwells BenchRest and my groups went down in size. You don't have to spend a fortune, do what you can to give yourself the best possible shooting position. Use a rear bag and decent front rest. Get someone you know or in the club to shoot it off their fancy rage bags.
Don't give up. I'm happy to share my 6x45 loads with you, just PM me. The 6x45 is a real treat when its working, once you get it shooting you'll love it.
Always trying something new .... 9.3x62 with cast bullets
Well, finally cracked the code and have the 6x45 performing as it should be. Fast and accurate.
Shot a couple of groups working up a new load, and both easily 1/2 MOA with this one making 0.3 MOA.
Accuracy has come on as pressure increased. Caution with this load, as it’s safe in my rifle but over book max.