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Thread: Advice / Ideas on upgrading a Ruger 10/22

  1. #16
    if you want to go down the kidd path just buy a kidd no point buying a Toyota and trying to make it a rolls Royce id just shoot it and see if the potential is there then id do trigger and sights after all its just a knock around rabbit gun not a f class rig so reliability and accuracy is what you want it doesn't need blingy shit all over it

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post
    polymer buffer is worth the effort. stops steel on steel hitting
    yup. Richard Wilhelm told me years ago it saved your scope.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    helensville nz
    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    if you want to go down the kidd path just buy a kidd no point buying a Toyota and trying to make it a rolls Royce id just shoot it and see if the potential is there then id do trigger and sights after all its just a knock around rabbit gun not a f class rig so reliability and accuracy is what you want it doesn't need blingy shit all over it
    Coming from a guy thats owned a kid rifle I disagree
    All you really need is the barrel and trigger which is about $1000 worth
    A full kid is arround $1800 probably more now and not including a stock
    So including a
    $400 ish for a 2nd hand ruger if you don’t already have one
    It’s only costing 1400 imo you are not getting much advantage from the kidd working parts imo

    Age had a ruger with kidd barrel and trigger
    I had a full kidd rifle he was at no disadvantage to me
    His worked just aswell and just as accurate

  4. #19
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Oxford, North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by rambo-6mmrem View Post
    Coming from a guy thats owned a kid rifle I disagree
    All you really need is the barrel and trigger which is about $1000 worth
    A full kid is arround $1800 probably more now and not including a stock
    So including a
    $400 ish for a 2nd hand ruger if you don’t already have one
    It’s only costing 1400 imo you are not getting much advantage from the kidd working parts imo

    Age had a ruger with kidd barrel and trigger
    I had a full kidd rifle he was at no disadvantage to me
    His worked just aswell and just as accurate
    After reading some of gundocs info I would suggest you don't even need that, apparently a trigger job, permanently fitting the barrel and a bit of polishing the bolt and reciever will have it shooting extremely well.
    Don't get me wrong I'm a slut for customisation and have some asthetic enhancements planned for mine but I won't be buying any fancy barrels or recievers etc till I've tried the above.
    If it will shoot half inch @50yds I'll be bloody stoked, infact it msy well be close to that now with nothing done. I haven't tested it on paper due to time constraints but a standing group on a fence post @40yards 10 sjots as fadt as I could pull the trigger produced a fist sized group with almost no effort.
    Can't wait to see what it will do with a few tweaks.
    Love my man lego

  5. #20
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    Feb 2018
    My R55 shot 1/4" at 50m consistently. I miss it but it was too much of a unicorn to ever be a practical rifle.

    Curious to know how good the 10/22 shoots with all these mods?
    Creeper likes this.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by rambo-6mmrem View Post
    Coming from a guy thats owned a kid rifle I disagree
    All you really need is the barrel and trigger which is about $1000 worth
    A full kid is arround $1800 probably more now and not including a stock
    So including a
    $400 ish for a 2nd hand ruger if you don’t already have one
    It’s only costing 1400 imo you are not getting much advantage from the kidd working parts imo

    Age had a ruger with kidd barrel and trigger
    I had a full kidd rifle he was at no disadvantage to me
    His worked just aswell and just as accurate
    I bet you can get an accurate semi for half those prices you've quotedor under without having to do anything to it to get it to shoot well for rabbits I know mine cost well under that
    dannyb likes this.

  7. #22
    If you keep the 1022 I'd go with what gundocs advice is
    viper and dannyb like this.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    my gundoc built ruger 10/22 years back was 11mm 3 shot groups at 50m.
    unfortunately i had to sell it to pay some urgent bills, but was a hell of a machine.
    my slightly doctored 10/22 at present will shoot 18-20mm at 50m which is good enough for what i use it for.
    viper and dannyb like this.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    TINCANBANDIT's Gunsmithing: Ruger 10/22 Cheap Tricks
    some handy little tricks on here especially for the bolt. Doesn't mention anything about trimming springs
    dannyb likes this.

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    helensville nz
    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    I bet you can get an accurate semi for half those prices you've quotedor under without having to do anything to it to get it to shoot well for rabbits I know mine cost well under that
    Mate cant agree more I got my uncles rifle for him
    When he 1st got his fal
    That’s a factory 10-22 with a trigger job
    And as others have said 1/2 inch at 50m is easily doable

    But I think you’re confusing accurate with fuckkkkkkken accurate with a kidd you’re talking 1/4 inch at 50

    You can modify a factory 10/22 trigger all you want but you won’t get it anywhere near a kidd trigger
    I had my 2 stage kidd pulling at a crisp 6oz

    And a 10/22 barrel isn’t going to out do a lothar walther match barrel which is what a kidd barrel is he gets them as blanks and doses all theMachining to them in the us

    So yes you are perfectly correct you can accurize a 10/22 and get it pretty darn good but
    You’re dreaming if you think it’s going to do anywhere near what a kidd can

    Comes down to do you need fuckkkkkkken acccurate or will just accurate do
    For the average shooter/hunter 1/2 inch at 50 is more than enough

    But if you have the cash and you want something Special kidd is by far the way to to go

  11. #26
    exactly but if your comparing apples with apples ……………………………..base ruger price with no mods vs anything else in the same price bracket the ruger isn't the head and shoulders above the rest ive got a basic ruger its accurate just. ive had a rem597 that was more accurate but not reliable out of the box but a few tweaks without dropping 1000 bucks on it it was a good rifle and I know they aren't a very good semi I also had a stirling semi that basic old thing could easily out shoot both of them no jams whatever ammo you wanted to feed it also had one of those Canadian Winchesters with the die cast mag forget what they are called that old thing was just as accurate as the rem and ruger havnt owned a marlin but Ive seen them in action and they would be my choise for a new modern semi my current one is a walther but that's in the next price bracket up its the most accurate one ive shot behind the stirling of all things so in the same price bracket with no mods what are we talking
    Last edited by northdude; 03-03-2019 at 04:26 PM.



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